It all started with an ED

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After walking back from the place where the girls and Eric were kidnapped, the group finally made it back to the inn. 

They walked towards the commons area, to where they saw the rest of the class was waiting in worry. When Korosensei got word of the girls and Eric's kidnapping, he rushed away from the group he was with to save them, not before explaining why he had to leave. Soon that group told the rest of the class about what happened and Karasuma called all the students back to the inn for their safety.

Soon the class turned to see Eric's group.... and Eric looking battered and bruised.

"Oh my god, Eric what happened?" asked Isogai as the class winced at his wounds.

Eric didn't want to bother going into what happened to him so he said "It was nothing I couldn't handle. Lets just leave it at that" as he took a seat on a couch.

The class decided to respect his wishes as Korosensei slithered up and said "Well boys and girls, these guys have had enough for today so I suggest you all get some rest, play some games in their little arcade down the hallway if you wish, and then turn in. We leave tomorrow so enjoy your time together" as he then zoomed off.

The class sighed as they were bummed that tomorrow was when they leave and it felt like they just got there.

Eric sighed as the class began to sit around the commons area and could see that they still didn't want to leave. But he also noticed something else.

"I take it that since Korosensei saved our butts, your guys assassination went up in flames" said Eric as he began to dig into his inner coat pocket.

"Yea, had us all figured out" said Maehara as he leaned back on his seat.

Eric then pulled out the Master Plan and opened to a new page and said "Well, since we leave tomorrow, might as well tell me what went down so we can use it for our next plan" as he had Double D hand him a pen, as he decided to be the first to say something.

"Well, our experience went a little something like this........"


(Cue Seishun Satsubatsuron by 3-nen E-gumi Utatan)



'Young people's discourse on bloodthirst!'

(The opening starts with the crescent moon as it gradually change to Korosensei's head. Then Ed, Double D, Eddy and Eric appeared upside down with their names shown as they fall and tried to attack Korosensei as he panicked before dust picks up around them as the title appeared.)

Welcome Back, Mr. ED!

{Kuchi ni dasu no wa jikkō suru toki}

'We speak only of it when we're getting into action.'

{Sore ga kakkoī koto shitteru sa}

'Because we know it's cool that way.'

(The scene start with Eric waking up in bed as he gets up and gets ready for school. As he walk out of his room, Eddy and Double D were at the living room while the latter was preparing breakfast. He look around only to see that Ed's not up yet so he went to his room to wake him up, only to find that he was not here and saw his window was open.)

{TARGET, sagashite bokura wa satsubatsu}

'We'll find our target and unleash out bloodthirst.'

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