An ED too far

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When the sun shined into her room and her alarm when off, Rio Nakamura groaned in her bed. With most of her head under the blankets, the blonde reached her arm out from under them and hit her alarm clock to turn it off. After that, Rio threw the covers off and got out of bed. Walking to the door and opening it, before closing it.

Moments later, she finished her morning routine and entered into the kitchen. Now dressed in her school uniform, she went to a cabinet and opened it. Pulled out a box of cereal and a boil, Rio placed them on the table and goes to the refrigerator to grab some milk.

But when she opened, Rio's was shocked at what she found and screamed  in shock before slamming the fridge shut in panic.


The fridge was opened again minutes later by Rio, looking at what was in it, sternly. Behind her were Double D, Eddy, and Eric. The smart Ed-boy was carrying a tray that had a bowl of cereal, a glass of milk, and half an orange. The short Ed-boy was carrying one of their school uniforms. Rio looked over her shoulder at the friends and used a hand to indicate the inside of the fridge. "Could one of you please explain this?"

In Rio's fridge was none other than a sleeping Ed. His body was fitted crookedly, and there was barely any food left in the fridge. The foods that were once in it were nearly half-eaten and splattered everywhere, with a few slap of turkey dangling out of his mouth.

"Oh no, not again" complained Eric, as Eddy saw this an immediately laughed at Ed. 

"He's still been sleepwalking" continued Eric as he began rubbing his temples.

"Sleepwalking?" asked Rio in a confused manner.

"Don't worry, Rio." Double D said, handing her the tray of food, as Eric went to the fridge to pull their friend out. "We'll have Ed vacated ASAP."

Rio stared at the two boys while standing next to Eddy, before asking him, "This has happened before?"

"Oh, you have no idea!" Eddy laughed. "Back home, he'd scarfed every fridge in sight! And every time we found him, he was like a beached whale!" This got Rio to giggle a little, finding it as funny as the Ed-boy.

Eric was finally able to pry Ed's body out of the fridge. He then held him up by the shoulder straps of his tank top. "Ed? Oh, Ed?" 

When that didn't work, Eric reached over and put his hand into Double D's pocket, knowing he had everything for every occasion. At First Double D was confused, but then Eric pulled out a megaphone. He puts it in front of his mouth and yelled.

"WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!" He yelled into the device, so when it came out of the other end, it was powerful enough to blow wind into Ed's face, causing it to stretch back.

But it was enough to wake Ed up. When he saw his friends, the simpleton smiled. "Hi, guys!" He said. "My ears are ringing" as he dug his finger into his ear.

"Ed, do you remember anything from last night?" Double D asked. "Like the fact that you consumed all the food within in Rio's fridge."

"Not only that," Ed said, as Eric let him go and the strong Ed-boy tried to stand, "but I feel as though I have consumed all the food within in Rio's fridge." He then noticed Rio eating the cereal given to her. "Hi, Rio!"

"Come on, we're going to be late for school." Eddy said before throwing Ed's uniform to him and starting walking to the door.

"I'm coming, Eddy!" Ed followed him, still in his underwear and a tank top, passing by Rio as she finished her breakfast.

"Ed! You didn't even brush your teeth." Double D called out, running to catch up with his friends.

"At least he didn't eat anyone." Eric said as he followed. When Rio heard that, her eyes widened and placed the tray of food on the counter and grabbed her backpack.

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