Chapter Seventeen: Luck

Start from the beginning

"Doubtful, I heard Cedric say Harry didn't know what the task involved like a week ago." James aggressively pointed his toast at Susan.

"Have some faith." George Weasley grinned, popping into their conversation.

"But if you don't, why not make a bet?" Fred raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"How much?" Ernie asked.

"How about one sickle that Harry finishes in first place?" George replied.

"Deal." Ernie said as he pulled one sickle out of his pocket. Justin followed his lead and also handed George a single sickle.

"What about you Gweny?" Fred tilted his head.

"I think I've already told you I don't bet."

"Gwen, come on, for me?" Fred batted his eyelashes.

"No, Fred."

Fred leaned into her so his head rested against her neck. "Don't make me beg." He whispered deeply.

Gwen felt a rush across her body. She laughed off the feeling and pushed Fred back. "Have some dignity, Weasley."

Fred pouted and hung his head.

"You just want my money." Gwen folded her arms.

"How dare you. That's only half of the reason." He sat up looking completely flabbergasted.

"Oh my mistake." Gwen giggled.

Fred grabbed Gwen's hand tightly, with both of his. He then got down on one knee and began tugging at her arm. "Gwendolyn Thatcher, please, please, please, I'll never ask you for another thing ever again. Please, please, please."

Gwen tried not to smile, but she couldn't stop herself. Fred knowing he had gotten the better of her was beaming. "Fine. One sickle." Gwen asserted. With her free hand she grabbed the coin and placed it in his hands.

"Thank you, darling." Fred kissed her hand, and then the coin before strutting away with George. Gwen felt a slight blush enter her cheeks and rolled her eyes as she watched the twins continue coaxing money out of the pockets of unsuspecting students. Her eyes floated off them and went back to looking around the hall. Most students were wearing some sort of spirit wear for their favorite champion. The Slytherins, unsurprisingly, had mostly diverted their allegiance from one of the Hogwarts Champions to Viktor Krum. Among these ranks was Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco. Draco was wearing the Durmstrang colors, and he seemed to be scribbling furiously at a paper on the table. He flicked his head up and made eye contact with Gwen. Without even moving another muscle in his face Gwen knew to look at their parchment. She pulled the paper out of her pocket and placed it on her lap.

Why do you always let those twins flirt with you?

She looked back across the hall and could see the tension in Draco's shoulders and hand, although his face remained blank. Gwen took her self inking quill out and wrote back.

They don't flirt with me.

As soon as she had finished her sentence Draco's response appeared.

I just watched Weasley kiss your hand.

Gwen shook her head. She could see a vein in Draco's forehead growing more prominent.

Fred flirts with everyone.

Draco's eyebrows were now furrowed.

Not like that.

Yes, like that.

Gwen, don't be dense.

I don't want to have this conversation.

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now