The Show Must Go On

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The ER wasn't so bad it was going pretty slow. We were left to our own devices since most of the senior residents and attendings were at a party for Dr. Morris who was leaving to work for doctors without borders. The biggest case so far was a car accident with two community play actors, who were well enough to keep arguing about who was a worst actor.

"Alayna, we need you over here." Helen called from the nurse's station

'What's up?" I asked she was holding the ambulance line

"You're in charge it's Will."

"Halstead?" I asked taking the phone and she nodded

"Halstead, what's going on?"

"Porch collapse lots of wounded, five critical, we need to bring them there."

"We can't we only have one OR open."

"They won't need the OR it's mostly blunt trauma."

"We can take one critical." I said racking my brain for the amount of people we had tonight

"Not good enough they won't make it anywhere else."

"Will we don't have any attendings, or senior residents."

"Cortez you're a doctor you can make this call."

"I have to clear it by Harris first!"

"We don't have time for that!" He said I heard someone talking in the background

"We're down to four we need a split decision now."

"We can't."

"Come Chicago Med will you accept these patients?" He said and I looked around at the staff watching me, I couldn't turn these people away

"Ambo 61 what's your ETA?"

"Thank you, Cortez, we're four minutes out!" He said and we hung up

"Alright listen up we got four traumas rolling in. Clear trauma rooms 1 and 2, prepare 25 and 26. Helen call the OR and tell them open up another room, April we need I. V's, and call the blood bank. Let's move people their four minutes out." I said and they got moving

"Jen? I asked the secretary

"Page Dr. Harris,"


I was working on a girl 26 she was impaled by a wood beam, then Natalie popped in

"Hey a got a shoulder dystocia and OB is MIA." She said

"Ok did you try a wood screw maneuver?" I asked her

"I've never heard of it." She said and I looked at

"Alright you take over here." I said and we swapped and walked in and

'What's going on?" I asked

"mom's heartrate is borderline, and the baby defibs with contractions."

"Ok hi I'm Dr. Cortez." I said to the dad as I gowned up

"A-are you from OB?"

"No but I have experience." I said and walked over to the

"Alright let's get this guy out.'

"It's a girl." The dad said

"Her name is Janis."

"Ok I'm going to get Janis out." I said taking hold over the baby and I slowly turned her. Cause the mom to scream out in pain

"I know you're going to push on this next coming contraction alright?" I said

"Ok push on three." I told her She pushed hard but this baby wasn't budging.

"Her sats are dropping."

"I see that put her on O2 and get me some o-neg in here." I said and glanced at the chart

"Ok Molly listen Janis isn't moving, so I'm going to have to perform a symphysiotomy."

"There's no way we're making it to the OR." April said

"I know grab me a surgical kit, and some betadine." I said to the tech

"Are you sure about this?" April asked

"No but I got to try something." I said numbing the area

"What are you doing?" Dad asked

"It's a small dissection in the pubic area that will give us a couple of more centimeters of space. I said making the cut as I talked them through it

"Do you feel that?' I asked Molly and she nodded

"The pressure let up some."

"Good, so I want a big push on the next contraction ok? Here we go and push! Push!" I coached as the shoulders finally made it out

"Alright one more time push!" I said and the baby was out.

"Suction." I said and we cleaned her off then I clamped off the cord

"Alright dad cut here." I instructed then I handed the baby over

"Cortez?" I looked up to see Harris

"we're good." I told her

We finally stabilized all of these people and Harris gave us the ok to go home

"We can still catch the last call at Molly's" Will said

"Done." Natalie said

"I'm in but your buying." I told him texting Antonio who was already there

"Oh, my pleasure."

We stepped into Molly's and Will raised his hands in the air

"Four critical, three doctors, and no fatalities." He shouted and everyone cheered I spotted Antonio at the bar with Gaby when he saw me, he waved me over. Natalie and Wil went off and got a table together hey and I headed over to the bar

"Hey doc, crazy night?" Gaby asked

"you have no idea." I said and I looked at Antonio who pulled me into a kiss

"Um excuse me when did this happen?" Gaby asked with a smile

"About a month ago." He told her

"You're keeping secrets from me now?' she asked

"We've been figuring things out." I said


"Gaby have you met my girlfriend Alayna? She a doctor over at Chicago med." He joked

"Ok I like this," she said

"Really?" I asked

"Really you guys look great together and as long as he's happy that's all that matters." She said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind

"And I am happy." He said looking at me

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