Baby Boy

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I looked up to see Dr. Bennett walking over

"From the damage to sac there was some bleeding causing baby to start losing oxygen. I was able to stop the bleeding but there was too much damage done to sac so I had no choice but to deliver the baby."

"oh my God." Monica sighed

"Is he ok?" I asked

"Honestly it's going to be touch and go for awhile but we're giving him steroids for his lungs and he's hooked up to a vent. He's only 1 pound 2 ounces he has a long road ahead."

"And Alayna is still doing good?"

"Steady heartbeat her bp is coming back up, right now is just a waiting game on when she's going to wake up not only from the trauma but the meds as well."

"Can I see her?"

"She's in recovery right now, you can see her once we get her back into her room but I can take you to see your son."

"Yes." I said and Gaby took my hand

She walked us up to the NICU

"Only dad at this time, I'm sorry." She said to Gaby

"Of course I'll be right here."

She gave me gown and we walked into the NICU. And she left me over to the incubator that was labeled 'Baby boy Dawson' 1lb, 2oz 6.5in.

"Oh god." I said holding back the tears this wasn't' supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to meeting my son while he was hooked up to all of these tubes and wires, and his mom is supposed to be here.

"You can reach in and touch him."

"it's won't hurt him? He's so small."

"No, skin to skin contact actually helps." She said and I stepped forward and touched his little foot

"Look at all that hair." I said gently touching his little curls, his whole body could fit into the palm of my hand

"Hey little man, I'm your dad. Mommy is sleeping right now but as soon as she's up she'll be here. Your aunt Gaby is right outside and your grandparents are right downstairs. You are so loved little one, I love you much and I'm going to be here every step of the way until we get to bust you out of here."

I stayed with my son until there was a knock at the window, I looked up to see Hank and Erin.

"I'll be right back." I rubbed his hand once more then I exited the NICU

"Gaby called me told me the baby was born."

"Yeah, we're in for the long haul he can't breathe on his own, so he's on a vent, I.V. feeding tube, and steroids to help his lungs develop."

"He's beautiful bro." Hank said putting a hand on my shoulder."

"Thanks, I can't figure of if he looks more like me or his mom."

"Does he have a name?" Erin asked

"Not yet we were.... We were going to choose it together, the four of us."

"And you still can when Alayna wakes up." Hank said and I nodded

"What's up?" I asked

"We may have a lead, Freddy Graham, he runs a car jacking ring out of old town."

"Old town? Really?"

"Perfect cover if you think about it. Anyway we got an APB out on Graham and we're going to ride through, I got a couple of CI's out that way."

"Alright let me know." I walked down to waiting room with them

"Are you really working right now?" I heard as we passed the room, I turned and looked to see Raymond Cortez glaring at me

"He's not, we're just giving him an update," Hank said then looked at me and I shook my head

"I'm sorry about what your going through but we're going to find the guy who did this." Erin said

"Please this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't there!"

'What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"She's been going down ever since she met you! Where were you when this happened!?"

"I was there! So you don't get to tell me anything!"

"Then you should've protected her!" he shouted and I rushed him but Voight grabbed me and he sucker punched me Monica grabbed his arm

"Ray stop it!"

"You don't think I know that! I would throw myself in from of a hundred cars for her!"

"STOP IT!" Monica shouted stepping in between us

"Alayna and the baby are fighting for their lives right now! If you want to kill each other do it later but we do not need this right now!" She said wiping her eyes and my mom stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her

"Shame on you two." She said as Maggie came in

"Hey you guys can go see her now." I watched as my mom and Monica followed Maggie to Alayna's room

"Come on let's take a walk." Voight said wrapping his arm around me and pulled me out of the hospital

"I need to see her."

"You need some air, come on 10 minutes." He said and I looked at her dad again then I shook my head as Hank steered me outside

"Who the hell does he think he is?" I snapped

"Look emotions are high right now,"

"Do you know how many times I've played this over? What could I have done different! The sound of that car hitting her, I could barely sleep last night."

"Hey we know this isn't your fault. Like I said emotions are high right now, that's his only daughter and he's scared."

"I'm scared too.' I said holding my head down

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