New Beginnings

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Antonio and I laid in our bed he had his good arm wrapped around me as we just enjoyed the silence of each other, happy we were both alive and together after the past few months I couldn't help but have some doubts swirling around. 

As far as I know Isaac was still alive currently in surgery at Med but they found plenty of evidence at his apartment. He had been stalking me since I got here, they had picture going all the way be to my old townhouse. It just blew my mind and I didn't know how I didn't see it. I knew he had a crush as was upset about me choosing someone else but I never imagined it was get this far

"What are you thinking about so hard?" He asked looking down at me and sat up

"I love you.' I said


"It's shouldn't be this hard, all I want is for us to be together but it's like the world is trying to tear us apart."

"I know it's been a lot but we're going to be ok."

"We keep saying this, then something else bad happens. I get hit by a car, we almost lost our son then you get shot, and then I get attacked by Isaac. Oh God I trusted him, he would sit and talk to me in the NICU while I was with Marco,"

"He's sick baby and that's not your fault."

"It just seems like we can't catch a break, this isn't normal Antonio."

"I promise this is the end of all of that,"

"You can't promise that! You didn't get shot on purpose and they solved the case and you still got suspended."

"Well what are you saying Alayna? you want to leave?"

"No, I don't know what I'm saying, my mind is all over the place."

"You're scared." He said and I looked at him and I nodded

"It's ok that you're scared, I'm glad you're talking to me about it. You're right I can't promise nothing bad will ever happen again, but I'll be there to protect you from it the best I can. We can handle anything together, honestly we've proven it you think." He asked and I giggled

"We have." I said and he kissed me

"God made us for each other for just this reason." He said then I hugged him and we laid back down and I felt a little better as I thought about what he said. I needed him just as much as he needed me and together we can get through anything.

Seven weeks Later

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.."

"Marco Dawson is going home!" Dr. Bennett said handing Antonio the papers as I walked over to our little boy who was sitting in his car seat looking around with those big brown eyes

"You did so good, my big strong boy. You're going home, you get to see your room and your big brother and sister can't wait to see you." I said playing with his little fingers as he coos at me

"Look at those hands I can't wait to get him in a boxing ring." Antonio said coming to my side

"He's is not getting into a ring no time soon and mess up that handsome face." I said rubbing his cheek

"He'll be fine, I felt him in your stomach he's a natural.' He said air boxing

"Stop," I said hitting his arm

"Let's take our boy home." He said kissing my cheek, then I grabbed the bags, which Antonio took out of my hand so I reached for the car seat

"Antonio, you're still healing." I scolded

"Got this sexy." He said winking at me and I felt myself blush as I held the door open for him and we headed home

Marco was going to stay in our room for the first few weeks before we put him in the nursery, I just wanted to keep an extra eye on him for a while. Antonio went to pick up Eva and Diego, we told them he was coming home later this week. So they were going to be surprised to see him home. I was burping Marco then we settled onto the couch and I looked at my baby. I still can't believe he's here, it seemed like he was in the hospital forever. I looked at him he looked just like Antonio with my curly hair and closer to my color but we made him and he was perfect. I heard the front door open and Antonio was giving orders as Eva came in the living room

"Hey Layna.... Marco!" She rushed over and sat next to me and I gave her a little hug

"Hi baby." She rubbed his little hand and he smiled at her

"Did you see that? He loves his big sister." I said to her

"Can I hold him?' She asked as Diego ran in

"Me first! Me first!"

"Your too little you jerk!" Eva snapped

"I'm stronger than you, and your chicken arms."

"Alright stop it Eva asked first, then you Diego." I said to them and he nodded then Eva took off her jacket and handed Marco over and I showed her how to hold her arms

"He's so little, and cute."

"Remember that when we need you to babysit." Antonio teased as he took a couple of pictures. I looked at him as he smiled watching the kids all together. With Marco home our family felt complete. Antonio helped Diego hold Marco

"You know what this means now son don't you?" He said to him Diego looked at him

"You're a big brother now, so I need you to set an example for your little brother."

"I got this dad." He said looking at Marco

"I know you do,"

"I'm just glad I'm not the little one anymore." He said and I smiled

"Are you guys getting married?" Eva asked and Antonio and I looked at each other then at her

"I think we're happy with the way things are for now." I said

"How would you guys feel if we did get married?" Antonio asked and I looked as him

"Ok I guess," Eva said

"Can I be in it?" Diego asked

"Of course."

"Then yeah."

"Mom will still be mom, right?" Eva asked


"Then what do we call you?"

"You can just call me Alayna, like you've been doing. Nothing will change except my last name we promise." I said taking Antonio's hand 

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