Dark Day

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"She's in here." I led Antonio into the room


"Hey big brother."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine my doctor is awesome." She said and Antonio looked at me

"Yeah she is."

"Did they take you for CT yet?" I asked her


"Ok I said then I hooked up the breathing equipment and handed it took her

"Any pain now that the adrenaline is going down?"

"I'm pretty sore."

"Alright I'll get you some tylenol for now, once your done with the breathing treatment I'll come and take you to CT and once I see that I'll let you go."

"Ok." She said as Antonio's phone rang

"Dawson. Yeah I'm coming."

"Go catch that bastard.' Gaby said to him and he kissed her hand then shook Matt's hand

"Take care of her."

"Always." He said smiling down at Gaby

Antonio and I left the room

"I'll catch up with you later." He said and I nodded

"You be safe out there." I said to him

My work phone rang


"I have an amputation headed up to the OR can you take it?" Banfield asked me

"Yeah give me details." I said as I headed up to the OR

After surgery I was updating the chart as the nurses station

"Hey, can you tell me if Gabriella Dawson CT results are ready?" I asked the nurse and she nodded I went back to what I was doing

"Are you a doctor?" I looked up to see a skinny blonde guy standing there

"Yeah, have you been treated? Can I help you?" I asked

"Yes, I'm doing fine, on my way out actually, I just want to thank you guys for everything."

"No need it's what we do. I'm really glad you're ok.' I said to him

"I am so sorry for what's happening you're all heroes." He said and I gave him a smile

"Alayna." Erin said as she walked over the next thing I know the guy grabs me by the arm, stepping behind me holding a knife to my throat

"Vaughn, let her go." Hank said holding his hands up

"I am walking out of here." He said pressing the knife closer to my neck

"I can't let you do that." Hank said

"Then I'll slit her throat, I got nothing to lose."

"BACK UP!" He shouted at the fireman easing up on the side

"She's got nothing to do with this."

"Shut up!" He kept backing toward the door

"There are cops everywhere you won't make it out the lobby." I said to him I felt blood drip as he pressed the knife tighter against my throat getting me to shut up. All of a sudden another firefighter jumped out slammed his axe into the guys shoulder, he loosened his grip I shot my elbow back into his nose causing him to hit the ground. Erin grabbed me

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said rubbing my neck I could feel a small cut

"You're bleeding, we should get that looked at." She said and I turned to the firefighter

"Thank you."

"Anytime doc."

"We need an empty room." Hank said to me

"There's an empty equipment room, around the corner first door on the left." I said as Alvin pulled the guy to his feet

"Cortez." Antonio took my hand

"I'm good." I said

"We need to get someone to look at that."

"I can't pull anyone away from someone that's really hurt."

"Come on I'll look at it." He said then pulled me away,

"This way." I said then led him into a break room I pulled out a first aid kit.

"Hold this." I said handing him a mirror

"It's not that bad like I said I just need to clean it." I said

"I'm assuming that's the guy?" I asked him

"One of them, I think you should go home for the day."

"No." I said handing him the bandage

"That was a nice shot you hit him with." He said putting the bandage on my neck

"My dad was Detroit police for 20 years, he made sure I knew how to handle myself."

"Clearly." He said looking at me and looked at him and I felt those butterflies in my stomach again once again. They've been happening around him for almost a month now I pushed them away again he's married. The door opened and Isaac rushed in Antonio and I pulled away from each other

"I need to go catch up with my team."

"Um yeah keep me updated, I'm going to go check on Gaby."

"Thanks." He said and left the room

"I just heard what happened are you ok?" Isaac asked walking over to me

"I'm fine, I should get back out there." I said getting up walking past him

"He's married you know." I froze before I could open the door

"Excuse me?" I asked looking at him

"The cop Dawson, he's married." He said his name like it was poison

"I know that we're just friends I'm not that type of girl and you should know that." I said then walked out 

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