Dr. Wallace

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One month later

Things between Antonio have been going great we've been dating, and things have been going good. Today we were supposed to meet up for lunch but I didn't think that was going to happen because I had one of my old patients from Detroit coming down for me to help take over the case.

We were in huddle, Dr. Harris was going over current announcements

"Don't forget preliminary boards are coming up., and last thing today is the last day for yearly physicals if you don't get it done you will be taken out of rotation. That's Choi, Stapleton, Davis, and Cortez, head down to the clinic now, they're waiting." She said

"What about rounds?" Davis spoke and if looks could kill he'd be dead

"Alright let's go save some lives today." She said and wrapped up

"Candy bar for breakfast?" Natalie asked as I wolfed down a snickers

"Prelim boards are stressing me out, and you know how I get I stress eat." I said taking a sip of coffee

"That is disgusting." She said to me

"Ugh yeah I shouldn't have done that." I said throwing the coffee in the garbage

"I'll catch up with you later." She said and I headed down to clinic for my physical,

"Alright Dr. Cortez you're all set comeback by the end of your shift and your test results will be ready."

"Ok thank you." I said as my pager went off, I was being paged to the chief's office so I headed up there

"Chief Arata you asked to see me?" I asked walking into the open door

"Hello Alayna." Erica Anderson said to me

"Oh my God Erica and Paul?" I said giving them a hug

"I thought you guys weren't coming until next week?" I asked and they shared a look

"Oh how's our boy?" I asked

"He's why we're here early."

"Dr. Cortez you will be assisting Dr. Carr on the Wallace Anderson case." Dr. Arata explained to Jeffery Credit, a board representative

"Well let's take a seat," Paul said and we sat at the table

"Alayna you have been taking great care of our boy since we brought him into the ER five years ago when you were an intern. So as a thank you we are donating 25 million to this hospital." Paul said and I froze in shock

"Mr. and Mrs. Anderson how generous, thank you on behalf of the hospital, and Dr. Arata and myself. Dr. Cortez do you have anything to say?" He asked looking at me but my brain couldn't process words at the moment so I just shook my head no Erica and Paul chuckled

"Can I go see him?" I asked

"We have to finalize some paperwork, but he's in room 327 in pediatrics." Paul said and Erica stood up

"I'll go with you." She said and we walked towards pediatrics

"Alayna, Paul is being optimistic but Wallace is not doing good."

"What do you mean?"

"He's sleeping a lot, he's in a lot more pain but he tries to hide it. Can you believe that my 8 year old tries to protect me, because he knows I worry."

"He's been fighting this for five years and winning, and the older he gets the stronger her gets. So we're not giving up right?"

"This is why we followed you to Chicago, there needs to be more doctors like you."

"Our lead Dr. Carr is great, and very open to my input since I've been with you guys for so long."

We walked into the room and Wallace was asleep

"He had a rough night last night." She said and his eyes cracked open

"No I didn't." He said with a yawn

"How's my favorite future doctor?" I said sitting next to him in bed

"I'm good." He sat up and gave me hug

"Hmm you feel a little warm." I said rubbing his head

"Can I go on rounds with you?"

"Well you already missed morning rounds but if you're feeling up to it, you can come on night rounds with me." I said and he sighed


"He listens to you more than me." Erica said

"Well she's a doctor mom and you're just a mom." He said and we laughed

"Well let me do what moms do so you can get some rest." She said and he laid back with his bear tucked under his arm

"Bad dreams, bad dreams go away

Good dreams Good dreams here to stay

Bad dreams, bad dreams go away

Good dreams, good dreams here to stay

"She stopped when Helms walked in

"I have the labs." She said to me

"Mom you have to do it three times for it to work." Wallace mumbled already half asleep

I got up and let them finished and too Helms in the hall

"Run an abdominal series, I want to make sure we're not missing anything." I told her and she nodded. I looked back in the room Wallace was sleeping and Erica gave me a small smile. That showed how worried she actually was.

"I'll be back later to check in ok." I said and she nodded

I was taking a quick break and grabbing a snack when Antonio called me

"Hey detective."

"Hey babe, I know we were going to try lunch but I'm getting kind of swamped here."

"Same here. remember I told you about my patient that was coming down from Detroit?'

"Yeah, the little boy Wallace?"

"Yeah well get this his parents are donating 25 million to the hospital."

"Wow 25 million?'

"Yes I knew they were wealthy but not 25 million dollars wealthy. Half is going to the hospital and the other half to research for Wallace's disease."


"Thank you, but I'm actually a little worried Wallace isn't doing so hot."

"Well you're taking care of him now, I'm sure he'll bounce back in no time." He said as Helms walked up to me

"I have Wallace Anderson's x-ray results."

"Let me call you back."

"Ok." He said then we hung up and I took the x-ray from her and looked at it

"Damn it he has a another bowel obstruction, have an OR prepped and I'll go page Carr." 

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