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"Oh my god that massage was great!" I said sitting back in my seat as Natalie drove

"Wasn't it?"

"Just what I needed, planning that party was stressful, then Diego's birthday is coming up and he has his own list of demands, it's crazy." I said she laughed

"You're a good mom, not that I ever doubted you would be seeing your journey to become one has been amazing." She said making me smile

"Thanks Nat." I said then my phone started buzzing,

"Great it's work."

"Of course." She said with an eye roll


"Hey we need you in a multiple car pile up on I-96." April said to me

"Okay, I'm twenty minutes out." I said then hung up

"Why didn't they call you?" I wondered out loud

"I don't know but I'll scrub in if they need help. You know it's going to be so cute when you start going by Dr. Dawson." She teased and I laughed

"Yeah right."

"Do you want to get married?" She asked

"Yeah we just haven't talk about it lately."

"Maybe you should you guys belong together I know it."

"Yeah we'll get there someday, I don't think either of us are in a rush." I said and she nodded

We made it to med I went and changed into my scrubs as I walked out of the locker room I was stopped by Banfield

"Hey what do we got?" I asked and she handed me the chart, and I looked it over

"What is this?" I asked as I read it

"Lola Page, 16, head injury-"

"From gymnastics- I remember this is the first case I had when I got here."

"She's 18 now and preparing to try out for the national team." She said then pulled me down the hall

"Ok? is she here? What's going on?" i asked as we walked into empty exam room where April and Maggie were and there were X-Rays on the board

"Abdominal blunt force trauma, patient Alisha Taylor." Maggie said

"33, and 35 weeks pregnant severe car accident after a driver ran a red light." April added and I smiled

"She had a girl and thanks to you finding a hidden bleed in her pancreas, mom and baby made it home safe." Maddie finished

"This was your second lead case when you came to Chicago." April finished then they led me down the hall

"What is going on?" I asked again with a smile but  they didn't answer they just pushed me into a CT room where Natalie, Will, and Ethan were

"Just over a year ago there was a porch collapse and you were left in charge of the pit. It was your decision on whether or not we opened up even though we were short-staffed and down an OR."

"So, you accepted the four critical patients against all the odds." Will said

"And once again they walked away free to live healthy long lives, the baby girl Janis will be turning two in 4 months." Natalie finished with a smile then she took my hand and lead me to the pediatrics wing where Gaby was waiting outside of what use to be Wallace's room

"Eight year old Wallace Anderson was brought into a Detroit ER and diagnosed with short bowel syndrome. While the disease has no cure Wallace was able to fight his battle for five more years. Under your love and care Wallace exceled at math and science and had a very strong ambition to become a doctor. In the wake of his tragic passing his parents left behind 15 million dollar for research into this disease and it the short amount of time you have helped develop a solid treatment plan and a few strong strides towards a cure." I felt tears come to my eyes as I thought about Wallace and all the patients they showed me today

"Come on." Gaby took my hand and led me downstairs to the ER, we stopped outside of trauma 2 where Diego, Marco, and Eva were

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked with a big smile as Diego handed me the flowers he was holding, and Eva who was holding Marco came and gave me hug then Diego joined in

"We just want to say thank you Alayna, I know I was mean to you in the beginning now you're one of my best friends and I love you."

"I love you too." I said then kissed her forehead, I looked up through the door where Antonio was waiting

"Go on." Gaby said lightly pushing me toward the door I slid the door open and walked in, I smiled at him with his hand in his pockets wearing a green t-shirt and he famous leather jacket as I called it

"I should have known you had something to do with this. What is this?"

"Two years ago in this trauma room right here I was brought in after being shot the bullet was six inches from my heart and you managed to remove it and saved my life. I remember opening my eyes and your beautiful face was the first thing I saw. From that day on you changed my life, you became my friend, then my best friend and I could talk you about anything and there never was any judgement or backlash, I remember the night I realized I was in love with you, I had just worked on one of the hardest cases of my life and I showed up at your door it was about 2am and you opened the door and let me in. Then you just sat with me you didn't ask any questions you didn't push you were just there."

"You saved me, and everyday I get to wake up with you, is like being saved all over again. I love you Alayna Cortez."

I felt my heart stop as he got down on one knee

"Will you marry me?" He asked as he opened the box showing me the emerald cut ring

"Yes!" I said without hesitation, he stood and pulled me in for a long kiss, the put the ring on my finger as our family came into the room

______________________________________________________________________________"Oh my God I think it's even shinier in here!" I called to Antonio who laughed I just couldn't stop looking at the ring, I walked out of our bathroom to see him laying in bed sheets only covering from the waist down after our love making. I had on just his shirt

"I'm glad you like it." He teased

"I love it! I can't wait to be your wife." I said crawling up onto the bed

"Mrs. Alayna Dawson." He said pulling me to his side

"Excuse you its Dr. Alayna Dawson."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"Get it right." I said then he kissed me, I pulled away and sat up

"I can hear it now 'paging Dr. Dawson' 'Dr. Dawson we need a consult' 'Dr. Alayna Dawson head of Pediatric surgery'." I said and he checked and pulled me back into his arms

"I love the sound of that Dr. Dawson." He said with a smile

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now