Bad Dreams Bad Dreams Go away

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We were updating Erica and Paul on Wallace's condition, and Carr was ready to go into surgery but I was worried that his body couldn't handle another surgery

"Alayna what do you think?" Erica asked me

"I don't think we can."

"Wait can't or won't? " Paul snapped

"You know I can I've operated on your son many times. Right now it's a matter of whether or not we should, I don't Wallace is strong enough to handle another surgery." I said

"How long will he have with the surgery?" Paul asked

"Two months at best." Carr answered and Erica began to tear up

"But that not the problem, he probably won't make it off the table if you decide to do this." I spoke up

"You think I've been pouring all this money into research so you can cure some other kid? No you have to do this surgery."

"I need you to trust me now, the moment we've been fighting for the past five years it's here and you need to prepare-"

"No you do the surgery, then we'll go from there. With the money we just donated to this hospital that is more than enough to find a cure and two months is plenty of time."

"Mr. Anderson-" But this time Arata cut me off

" Excuse us for a second." He said then pulled me away

"These aren't people who are use to hearing the word no. if they want surgery for their son, they'll get surgery for their son with or without you. You've been with this boy since day one, you know this case better than anyone. It's just a simple bowel obstruction, I've seen your work on wall more complex surgeries and I nknow you can do this and it will be successful."

"I don't think this a good idea chief."

"But it isn't impossible."

"I'll be with you every step of the way." Carr added, I glanced over at the Andersons and I thought about Wallace upstairs in his hospital bed



"Let's do it."

Wallace surgery started off very well, then his pressure started dropping,

"Damn it, his abdominal wall is too fragile like I said

"Push the epi!' Carr snapped

"More irrigation keep it coming," I said

"pressure is dropping 60/40."

"Come on Wallace don't do this."

"What's happening?" Arata asked as he came into the OR

"He's going in septic shock, he's body is not able to handle this surgery like I said."

"Let me scrub in." He turned to leave and that when I snapped

"No!" I snapped

"Because as long as your standing there I feel like I'm, working on a stack of dollar bills, 25 million to be exact! So please just get the hell out of my OR!"


"That's the chief you know."

"I don't care! I knew better, you knew better we should not be in her right now." I said then Wallace flat lined

"Get the paddles!" Carr snapped and I took then

"Charging to 200. Clear" I shocked him

"Charge to 300!"

"Charging to 300. Clear!" I shocked him again

"Dr. Cortez.." looked at Carr

"No Charge to 350!'

"You did your best today don't forget that." Carr said as we walked into the waiting room

"Lawrence please shut up." I said as Arata and Jeffery stood

"So?" Jeffery asked and I just shook my head

"Damn it!" He said

I cant do this I just walked away

"Cortez we still have to go talk to his parents." Carr said

"No I think Mr. Credit and the chief can handle that, because let be honest as far the Andersons will be concerned I just killed their son. I did just kill their son and if they ask I will tell them that they should sue because I am responsible but that's not in the best interest of this hospital am I right Mr. Credit?" I said looking at

"Yeah I think we're on the same page." He said and I nodded and walked away

I locked myself away in the medical library and worked on my charts. I started to get ready to go and I found myself back in the pediatrics wing. Where I found Paul and Erica crying as they packed up Wallace's things. Mr. Credit was in there kissing ass as usual

"Alayna." Erica said

"Dr. Cortez this is a sensitive time."

"Leave her be." Arata snapped at him and I walked into the room

"This just doesn't feel real." She said running her fingers over his quilt

"Erica would you like to see him?" I said and she cried and nodded

I led them into the OR where Wallace had been cleaned up and moved to. I pulled the sheet back and I looked away trying to hold back my tears,

Bad dream, bad dreams go away

Good dreams, good dreams here to stay-

"Erica broke down and couldn't finish

Bad dreams, bad dreams go away

Good dreams, good dreams here to stay

Bad dreams, bad dreams go away

Good dreams, good dreams here to stay

Bad dreams, bad dreams go away

Good dreams, good dreams here to stay

I finished quickly wiping away a tear

"You have to do it three times-"

"For it to work." Paul added

"She is the reason we will still be giving Chicago Medical center 25 million dollars." He said to Mr. Credit

"Not because of you or your ass kissing, because of her." He said then he took his wife in his arms 

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