Chapter 6// Surprise!

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A/N: Hey!

Sorry for annoying you all with my quick updates but the chapters were kinda short so I thought I might as well pump them out while I can.

I'm really keen to uncover what Seb has gotten Emily :) Hopefully you will all think its cute.

Wish Emily happy 18th birthday, Bye!! Xx

P.S. This chapter is gonna be pretty long so get comfy.

Chapter 6// Surprise!

Emily P.O.V

"Happy birthday, happy birthday!" George jumps up and down on my bed. I groan and open my eyes to see his round face and dark blonde hair.

He will use any excuse to wake everyone up. In fact sometimes he doesn't even need an excuse.

"Thanks buddy." I scruff his hair and hug him. He scrambles away and shouts down the hall at mum and dad to get up.

I take a moment to wake up.

I'm 18 today.

I swing my legs out of bed and walk over to my window. I frown as I see Sebastian's curtains closed. They have been for the past four days.

Disappointed, I saunter out onto the landing. I'm attacked by my parents as they pull me in for a tight hug.

"Happy Birthday Dear!" my mum squeezes me.

"Uh....guys, I can't breathe." I whisper.

"Oh, sorry." Mum smiles awkwardly next to dad as they let me go.

"Lets get some breakfast then you can unwrap some presents." Dad puts an arm around me.

George is already in the kitchen with a plate in his hands. "I'm ready for the food!"

I giggle and sit on a stool.

"Bacon and eggs ok for the birthday girl?" My mum asks, going to the fridge.

"Yeah that's fine." I smile.

This is all I wanted. To have a small birthday with my friends and family. Although, it was lacking in the friends department.

Suddenly the phone rang, making us all jump a little. I reach for the home phone and press the green button.


"Hey Em! Happy Birthday babe!" Tori yells into the phone. I cringe at the loudness this early in the morning.

"Thanks T, when are you coming to see me?"

"Oh that's the thing. My dad is moving houses today and I'm going to be busy."

"Oh." I look down and play with the hair tie around my wrist.

"But I will try and get away at some point and come see you for a bit. I'm so sorry Em."

"No it's ok, I'll just be with my family and Seb I guess."

"Ok then. Sorry again. Bye."

"Bye." I press the red button and put the phone face down. The rest of my family are silent, the only noise being the sound of sizzling bacon. The phone suddenly rings again and I hastily pick it up.


"Happy Birthday Gorgeous." A deep voice says.

"Seb, Thank you." I smile at his voice.

"Hey listen, My family are coming over soon, but I won't be with them."

"What? Why?"

"Yeah Ash has gotten himself into trouble and he really needs me. But I'll try and make it over later on."

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