Chapter 11// Valentines Day

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A/N: Hello everyone.

I've been surprising myself with how much I want to type and update this book.

Maybe it's because my friends are talking to me about it and its exciting and making me want to keep going and get to the parts I've been planning for ages.

So yeah, sorry for bothering you with my quick updates, bye bye :) xx

Chapter 11// Valentines Day

Emily P.O.V

"No.... Augustus...." I sob into my hoodie sleeves.

I've watched 'The Fault In Our Stars' like a million times and I still cry every time.

My eyes sting a little from the tears mixed with the lack of sleep. I was up all night. Nightmares are a bitch, especially the reoccurring ones.

I tuck my legging covered legs to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. I stroke Ollie's soft fur while he sleeps peacefully beside me on the bed. My phone beeps and I press pause on my laptop to check it.

'Look out your window.'

I stand up without waking my adorable puppy and head over to my window, opening the curtains and looking across at Sebastian.

"I'm coming over." he warns me as I step away from the window frame.

He effortlessly leaps across and climbs into my room.

"Shouldn't you be heading to school?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah in a minute, thought I'd bring you something first." He reaches into his large jumper pocket and pulls out a small rectangular block of chocolate with a fake rose attached to the top.

"Happy valentines day." he beams at me as I take the gift.

"Seb! I didn't know we were getting each other presents! Now I feel awful!" I complain.

He chuckles. "I didn't say anything deliberately. I didn't want you to get me anything and I thought i'd surprise you."

"That's so sweet." I smile and wrap my arms around him tightly. "Happy Valentines I guess." I mumble into his shoulder.

He hugs me back tightly and replies, "You'll always be my valentine."

I pull back so I can look into his big brown eyes. He pecks my forehead then my nose, before pecking my lips and smiling devilishly as his forehead rests on mine.

"Have a good day." I place a hand softly in the middle of his chest.

"Thanks. What are your plans?"

"Watch movies and cook while trying to keep my mother off my case."

"She is just worried. She'll back off soon." he assures me.

"I hope so, there's nothing wrong with me." I shrug.

"That's not true, there is one thing wrong......." He raises an eyebrow.


He pinches my butt unexpectedly and says, "You're too cute for your own good, that's the only thing wrong."

I laugh and playfully hit his shoulder. "Get out before I push you out the window." I giggle.

"Ouch, harsh." he puts a hand to his heart. I poke my tongue out immaturely and he winks back.

"You shouldn't be so mean ya know, I just gave you a present." He says as he climbs out my window and gets ready to jump.

"Is that so? Well maybe I didn't want chocolate, huh?"

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