Chapter 14// In a Bubble

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A/N: Hello,

This update is short cause as I said, I'm struggling to think of fill in chapters.

A big(ish) chapter is coming up soon tho so just bear with me please.

I'd really like to start finding songs to go with chapters so I guess I'll start now, this chapter will be entitled the song: "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran (or maybe even "The A Team", also by Ed Sheeran)

Thanks, bye xx

Chapter 14// In a Bubble

Seb P.O.V

I smile as my parents talk of me to the Fields. I watch Emily hide in the corner of the room silently. I decide to go over to her as our parents continue to chat. I stand an awkward distance away and meet her eyes.

"Do you...... want to talk?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, but not here." she replies, leading the way up to her room, Ollie hot on her heels. I close the door behind us, leaving Ollie out, and she sits on the end of her bed.

"I'm sorry," she says, "for yelling at you earlier."

"It's ok." I shift my weight from foot to foot.

"No it's not Seb, I have no right to be angry at you. I'm just stressed out."

I nod and search around the floor for nothing in particular.

"Please......say something." She says so quietly it's almost a whisper.

I walk over and kneel down in front of her.

"Emily, Baby," I take her hands,"I know this is all hard for you. I know Braxton hurt you and I know it hurts that Tori doesn't believe you. But you still have me, and Ash, and a loving family. We can all help you get through this. I'll always love you, forever."

She stares back into my eyes before leaping into me and hugging me tight, almost knocking me over.

"Thank you Seb, I love you so much." She mumbles into my shoulder.

She pulls back and I ease closer to her lips. Before I can get there she pushes them against mine and we kiss.

I know it's soppy and totally un-manly of me, but I could kiss Emily all day and never get tired of her soft lips. It's almost like the world could be ending around us and we stay in our bubble together, protected from the drama and hurt.

"So I have an idea," I say when we pull back to breathe. "Patrick Connaway is having a party next weekend."

"Oh yeah?" She smiles as our foreheads rest against each other.

"Yeah, but see he lives over the east side of town, maximum 3 hour drive." I continue, running fingers through her hair.

"Hmmm, pity."

"Well it may not have to be..." I trail off.

"What are you up to Cooper?" She winks.

"I'm saying we could still go, only we'd have to stay the night at a hotel or something."

"Is that so?" She teases.

"Yeah. So if you want, we can go together."

We stand up and reposition on the bed so Emily lays with her head on my chest as I wrap and arm around her.

"You think our parents would let us go?" She asks.

"I dunno, worth a shot? It would get us away from everyone for a night."

"Sounds good, we'll give it a go."

"So what did Tori actually come to see you about earlier?"

"She said Braxton came to her, all bruised and shit, and said you did it. Which is true, but then she was like 'keep your dog on a leash' and stuff like that. Then she went on about how she reckons its always been all about me and I ruin everything for her." Emily sighs.

I rub her arm, "Just ignore her, she'll see you're the one who's right."

"But it's still hard. I still love her. She's my best friend."

"I know, but it will be ok in the end." I sooth.

I know maybe it won't be ok in the end, but that's not what Emily needs to hear right now. She needs something solid to keep her from spiraling down into darkness. As stupid and silly as I may seem, I still worry about her. She isn't the same since Braxton got here. She's...... different. And I know she hates people to worry about her. But if I need to, I'll tell her parents what's going on, cause I know she hasn't. She might hate me, but it will be the only way to save her.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" A parent yells from downstairs.

I look down at Emily and it appears she has fallen asleep, her breaths calm and almost rhythmic. I let her sleep for another minute, just watching her body rise and fall ever so slightly.

Then I whisper, "Emily, Honey, wake up." I nudge her arm with my hand.

"But I don't want to." She groans in a child-like voice.

"C'mon sleeping beauty." I sit up and pick her up over my shoulder. She squeals and laughs at the same time while I carry her out onto the landing.

"Hurry up before it gets cold!"Another parent calls again.

We both chuckle and race each other down the stairs to where the air smells of food and our families laugh together.
A/N: Omg sorry that was the shittest chapter ever, I'm ashamed but I dont have any ideas in my head at all! :'(

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