Authors Note

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Hey Readers!!

So, I guess this is over now :(

Shall we start at the beginning?

I won't make this too long I promise.

The idea for 'The Devil Next Door' came to me after reading multiple books (I mentioned some in Emily's reading list.) At first, I only got a few reads. But I was so happy at just that.

Then all of the sudden the reads just kept going up and up and people voted and commented and I was so so happy. They even continued to go up after I finished and move onto the sequel. I don't have quite 1 million reads on 'TDND' and no where near it on this sequel, but I don't mind. because I love writing and it makes me so happy just to know a few people follow along.

Which brings me to the thank-yous. I will mention the readers who are constantly in my news feed, commenting and voting. I can't thank you guys enough.

• Campervangirl2000 (especially you)
• 13sweetdreams
• SparrowFliesSouth
• PaigeOinas
• Elissabat3
• TheBevkies
• AlAlapisco

I know there are others who read along, and I thank and appreciate you too, but these people listed above have supported me for a long time and showed it too.

So thank you everyone.

Now if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you all some questions :)

# How did you like the ending? To dramatic? To sad? Just right?

# Any feed back that could make my writing better? Be honest, I need to know the truth. I can take it :)

# Will you read any of my books that I write from now on?

# Did you read TDND before this sequel? If not, did you eventually figure out what happened in the previous book?

So thanks again everyone, this has been the best experience ever and I look forward to see you later on, either reading my other books or just keeping in touch.

Love you all!

Bye for now,

Sian xoxo (Sian2468)

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