Chapter 9// Face to Face

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A/N: Hello Wattpad users,

I'm kind of just adding to the drama as I go here and sorry if that makes the chapters short but I don't want to give too much away too soon.

Now don't judge me, but I hadn't really thought this part of my book out completely. So I kind of made up a couple things like a few seconds ago so my story actually made a but of sense. Unfortunately this has made it sound a little.....immature? Or maybe in experienced is a better word. Anyhow, I'm sorry if I wreck the story and make it stupid but it's not my fault.

Since I'm back at school now I have limited amounts of time to write on here and sometimes when I get the chance I don't know what to write, so I apologize if I take a little while to update or the chapters get short.

Sorry for the long rant here,

That's all, See ya xx

Chapter 9// Face to Face

Emily P.O.V

I groan as my alarm plays 'Shut Up' by Simple Plan.

How ironic.

"Emily! There's waffles on the table!" I hear my mother shout from downstairs.

I crawl out of bed and mope over to my wardrobe. I pull out a pair of bone colored jeans and a white knit jumper. I slip on some socks and wrap my favorite scarf around my neck carelessly. I walk over to my dresser and tie my auburn hair into a low ponytail.


I examine my blotchy face carefully and run my index finger over the bags under my eyes.


I apply foundation and a little mascara on my top lashes. I add a bit of lip balm to my lips and head downstairs.

"Morning Sweet-pea." Mum greets me, stirring her hot coffee.

I smile weakly in return and head to the fridge in search of juice.

"You're not eating anything?" Mum questions.

"Not hungry."

She frowns disapprovingly.

"I'll have something at school later." I add to make her happy.

She shakes her head slightly and sips her coffee. I finish my glass of juice and put it in the sink. I stare down for a moment.

"Why are you avoiding school anyway?" My mother questions behind me.

"I'm not." I lie.

"Yes you are. You didn't go yesterday when you had your favorite subjects and you are waiting until the last minute to leave here." She justifies knowingly.

Damn mothers and their six sense.

"I just don't really want to go at the moment."

"Is it Sebastian? Tori?"

"Tori. But its actually her boyfriend." I grab my keys off the bench and put them in my pocket.

"What about him?" Mum dunks a chocolate biscuit in her hot drink.

"He's a really bad dude, but I don't know how to tell her."

"How does that affect you going to school then?"

"Because I just can't be around him, it's awful." I shiver at the thought of me having to face him today.

"Well I suggest you just talk to Tori, tell her you're only trying to help."

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