Chapter 19// Darkness

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A/N: Hello people >:) hehe

I'm warning you now, this shit is about to get a little dramatic from here on out. This may be a little short (again) so I'm sorry but I promise the next chapter will be longer I swear. :/ (oopsy haha)

Song for this 'Something's Gotta Give' by All Time Low.

Thanks for the support, bye xx

Chapter 19//Darkness

Seb P.O.V

I leap across the two story gap, greeting Emily in her warm bedroom.

"You look tired." I observe.

"Yeah, I haven't had much sleep. I've pretty much been living at the police station all weekend."

"How is all that anyway?" I ask, wrapping my arms around her.

"Yeah it's ok. Both me and Tori are a little shaken. All this law and making statements and stuff is confusing."

"It'll be over before you know it. And everything will go back to normal." I kiss her forehead. "I have to go into school early, so I'll catch up with you later."

"Wait," She stops me from jumping back over to my room. "Can you just lay with me for a minute."

"I really have to go......."

She pulls puppy dog eyes,"Pweeeasee"

I sigh and roll my eyes, letting her pull me over to her bed. I lay down, and she lays beside me, her head on my chest and my arm over her shoulder. I play with her hair, letting the strands fall from my fingertips before picking up another piece. She raises her hand as I do the same. We let our fingers dance against each others.


"Yes Emu?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." I rub her shoulder and lean my head down to kiss the top of her head. "But as much as I would love to stay here and sleep, I have to get to school early and pick up some books from the library."

"Ok then." She sounds disappointed and it makes me feel good knowing she misses me when I'm gone. Makes me feel.....loved.

"I'll catch up with you later on." I half hug her and she kisses my cheek.

"Bye." She says as I climb out her window. I smile and wink back at her before closing my window.

I jog down the stairs and high five Molly who is eating breakfast on my way trough the kitchen.

"Sebastian?" My mum calls from somewhere near the lounge room. I jog back and find her curled up on the couch with a thick book in her hands.

"You're off to school early." She obviously states after glancing at her watch.

"Yeah I have things to do, what's up?"

"We are going out to dinner tonight with the Fields, so make sure you are home on time, alright?"

"Yep, sure thing." I quickly go over and peck the top of her head.

"Bye honey." She smiles.

"Bye Mum." I reply as I finally make my way to the front door.

I press the button on my keys that unlocks the ute and climb quickly into the drivers seat.

"Wait up Son!" my dad appears from the garage and I moan.

Will I ever leave this house?

"Your off early today." he speaks to me after I roll down my window.

"Yes, I know." I roll my eyes.

"Did your mother mention about tonight?" He speaks slowly, like he is deliberately trying to make me late.

"Yes, dinner, be home on time, got it." I speak quickly, making up as much lost time as I can.

"Ok then. You seem hurried, what's the rush?"

"Look I just have to do a few things at the library before my first lesson. So can I please go now?" I fidget with the steering wheel.

"Oh, right. Sorry Sebastian." My dad steps away from the car and waves me off.

I turn the keys and carelessly back out of the driveway. I glance down at the clock on the dashboard and panic as I realize I will barely have enough time.

Damn parents.

I slow at an intersection, look both ways, and speed up again. The road is still wet from last nights heavy rainfall. I stop at a set of traffic lights, now with Emily on my mind. I smile as an image of her smiling appears in my brain.

I look to my right as I drive forward, being blinded by a white van's headlights.

I remember the noise. The impact of two moving vehicles, the metal crunching. So loud and violent. My body in shock and like I was no longer in it.

Then nothing.


A/N: I feel so bad for it being so short ahah :(

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