Chapter 4// Not So Amusing

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A/N: ^Above is a cover idea I had^

So hi again. First off, thanks campervangirl2000 for giving me some ideas on where to go forward with the story. You actually helped me a lot. So thanks :) and I hope you find your cat :/

I'm trying to build up slowly to the main problem and keep you all entertained at the same time. So please vote and comment if you like it, it really encourages me to keep going.

P.S. this chapter will probably suck.

Bye xx

Chapter 4//Not So Amusing

Emily P.O.V

"Everyone on the bus! Quickly!" Mr. Donnavon calls to the crowd of students.

We all file onto the large bus and I take a seat next to Tori, while Ash and Seb sit in front of us.

So, I don't know who's idea it was to take a school trip to an amusement in this weather. But whoever it was, I scold you.

It's about 14 degrees outside but luckily it isn't forecasted to rain until tonight.

I glance over at tori who has her head in her phone, typing quickly and smiling. I nudge her arm.

"Who ya textin?"

"Oh, just a guy." She looks away.

"Getting serious is it, T?"

"Oh no. We accidentally crashed into each other at Walker's Café only a few days ago."

I gulped as the description reminded me of when I crashed into......him.

"Well, I hope it turns out," I smile, "you deserve someone special."

The bus finally pulls to a stop in the large and almost empty parking lot of the amusement park. I follow Tori and the boys down the isle of the bus and out into the chilly weather. I wrap my trench coat further around me and pull my beanie down over my ears. I also wear a white scarf, my blue skinny jeans and my favorite brown boots.

My cold fingers interlace with Sebastian's as we stroll towards the entrance.

"Where are we going first?" Sebastain asks our group enthusiastically.

"I'm in the mood for a thrill." Ash eagerly responds.

"Yeah, I need the adrenaline to warm me up." I shiver.

"Tori?" Seb asks for her confirmation. We look at her and she is smiling at the screen of her phone, oblivious to us.

"Tori?!" I nudge her.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sounds good." She replies vaguely. I roll my eyes.

"Ok, 'The Rocket' it is then." Seb announces as we separate from the other school students and head towards the back of the park, where all the big rides are.

I've only been here to this amusement park one other time. My dad took me here for my 13th birthday. I insisted on going on this massive roller coaster that went upside down and everything. Dad tried to stop me but he couldn't. So we ended up going on the ride. And he was right, I hated it. I felt sick and pretty much cried the whole time. When we got off I vomited and we went home.

The four of us line up for 'The Rocket'. It's basically just a glass pod that speeds around an extravagant red track. I look around and every now and then focus on a random persons face in the crowd.

It seems weird to me, how every one of these people are walking around with their own lives and their own thoughts buzzing in their head, with their own personality and opinions.

Someone suddenly bumps into me quite hard, awakening me from deep thought. I only catch the back of his head as he disappears into the crowd.

"Woah, are you ok?" Seb asks beside me, holding my arm.

"Yeah I'm fine." I look to the ground and there is a small piece of paper that wasn't there before. "He must have dropped this." I bend down and pick it up. I unfold it carefully and read it in my head;

Be careful on that ride.......Emily.

"What does it say?" Seb asks as the line moves up.

"Nothing interesting." I fold it back up and shove it in my pocket before climbing up the metal stairs to get on the ride.


"Ash, would you please stop hogging the fairy floss." Tori reaches for the bag in Ash's hands but he pulls it out of her reach. "Seb tell your dog to share."

"Ash, stop flirting and give Tori the Cotton candy." Seb replies smiling. Ash smirks and hands her the half empty bag.

Well at least he didn't deny he was flirting. He knows he is a flirt with all girls, even Tori.

"The bus is leaving, hurry up turtles." I walk a little faster than the rest of them.

"That's offensive, to turtles." Seb smirks at me and winks.

I roll my eyes and put my hands in my pockets. I feel a piece of paper and I remember.

Oh my god.

The note.

Was it meant for me?

It can't just be a coincidence..... can it?

What do I do now?

What if it was a joke cause if it was this is so not amusing.

I climb the stairs of the bus and walk to my seat, Tori sitting down beside me.

"Hey you seemed distant today, Are you alright?" She questions me carefully.

"Yeah I'm fine, Thanks anyway." I provide her with a somewhat fake smile and turn to look out the window.

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