Chapter 3// Cold Kisses

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A/N: Sup ma peeps!

Haha sooo, I've been busy. And unfortunately i don't mean busy as in writing I mean busy as in having a part time job that doesn't feel much like its part time. Thus, I have been having late nights and haven't had much time to think about this book.

I don't know how to lead up to the main problem and I'm really struggling to find ways to keep it interesting. So sorry in advance if things get a little boring. Eek. :/

Ok. Done. Bye :) xx

Chapter 3// Cold Kisses

Seb P.O.V

The bell rings, notifying us it's feeding time at the zoo. So all the hungry english class students rush out the door, including Emily, Ash and I.

I sling an arm over Emily and she smiles at me, holding her book and folder to her chest.

"I tried to call you last night." I talk quietly to her, ignoring the buzz of the people around us as we head to the cafeteria.

"Sorry, I was with Tori. Revenge stuff, that's all."

"At 12 o'clock at night? I question her.

"Yeah, I was her get away car." Emily smiles to herself.

"Well this sounds intriguing. Tell me the story later?" I squeeze her to my side briefly. She nods and pushes open the cafeteria doors.

"I'll go sit down with Tori, You guys come join us after you have gotten your food." Emily says, breaking away from my body and heading to sit down. I grab her wrist before she escapes and I pull her back to me.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" I question her worriedly.

"I'm not hungry. Honestly, just go get some food with Ash and I'll see you at the table." She shoots me a quick cute smile and I let go of her arm, watching her weave between tables of students and take a seat next to Tori.

I grab a tray and move along the line, scooping random bits of not-so-disgusting cafeteria food onto it. I smile as Ash tries to hit on the girl in front of him in the line up. By memory, her name is Lacy and she is in the grade below us.

I finish getting food and head towards where the girls are sitting, Ash trailing behind me wearing a victorious smile.

He got Lacy's number I'm guessing.

I sit down next to Emily and peck her on the cheek. Ash joins Tori on the opposite side and begins to scoff his face. Tori watches him disgustedly and rolls her eyes.

"What were you guys talkin bout?" I ask Emily, offering her a chip.

She shakes her head no before replying, "We were just saying that Bridget Hayes isn't here today."

"And that's important because......?"

"Because we revenged her." Tori pipes up with a smile and a wink at Emily.

Ok, now I really want to hear this story.

"You two are evil, and it scares me." I chuckle, munching down a couple Chicken salt covered chips.

"Hi, Emily?" A deep voice says. I turn to see a guy standing at our table on Emily's end.

She looks up at him, "Uh, yes?"

He looks our age. A bit shorter than me and scrawnier looking.

"I'm Thomas, we are in Math class together. Listen um, I think you're hot and I was wondering if I could have your number?" He shrugs his shoulders awkwardly and awaits her response.

My blood boils and my hands form fists under the table. If I was a cartoon I would have steam coming out my ears and my face would be tomato red.

"Listen here, mate." I rise from where I'm sitting, my chair sliding backwards.

"Seb, sit down." Emily orders me quietly but firmly.

I ignore her, "Back away from this table and my girlfriend right now before I kick your ass into the next century." I warn him, narrowing my eyes and drilling into his.

"Calm down dude. I thought she was just another one of your play-dates. My bad." He holds his hands up in surrender and walks away quietly.

Emily stands up in front of me and puts a hand in the middle of my chest, stepping in a bit closer. I stop watching that doochbag walk away and turn my gaze to her beautiful blue eyes.

"Seb, I could have handled that."

"But..... He was an asshole!" I say strongly.

"Just calm down ok? It's fine." She leans up and pecks me on the lips, before sitting back down and starting up a conversation with our friends who I forgot were there.

Pull your head in Sebastian!


I flip up my hood and shove my hands in my jumper pocket.

"Looks like its going to rain." I say to Emily, looking up at the dark sky.

"And I chose this day to walk to school." She sighs and huddles to my side as we walk towards home.

"Hey Emu?" I start.

"Mm hmm."

"I'm sorry about today at lunch. I just got protective thats all." I apologise.

"That's ok. It was kind of sweet." She smiles at me and I smile back.

I feel a drop of rain on my face. Then another. And another. Until it begins to bucket down, already creating puddles along the road. I grab Emily's hand and lead her down a back road and down a dirt trail that leads to a small abandoned train stop. There isn't even a railway here, just the small stone structure and platform.

We duck under the tin roof, panting and trying to catch our breathes. We are both soaked, our hoodies not being very useful.

"Shit." I say simply. Emily laughs. And soon I'm laughing too.

Im not quite sure what we are laughing at, but I don't mind. Because I've never seen Emily look more Beautiful than now. Her wet hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead, her clothes dripping with rain. And all she can do is laugh. Throwing her head back and closing her eyes.

We stop laughing and I walk up close to her, wiping the wet strands of hair from her face and smiling at her perfection.

"Your so pretty." I whisper to her, before leaning down and gently kissing her cold lips. I can feel her breath being taken away and into me.

The rain still pounds down on the tin roof and onto the pavement next to us as Me and Emily kiss.

Nothing like shitty weather to bring two people together.

A/N: Sorry that was short but I liked it just for a filler, it's still early days :).

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