Chapter 5// Present Problems

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A/N: What is up people!?

So I've gotten a better idea of where I'm going to go from here with the story and I'm feelin good.

Ok that's all, bye xx :)

Chapter 5// Present Problems

Seb P.O.V

I spin from side to side in my desk chair, holding my phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Ash, I've told you. I have a girlfriend. I will not go on a double date with you and the Harrington twins. Even if I get the hotter one of the two." I roll my eyes and sigh with a smile.

"Dude Emily will never know!" he says with a hint of joking in his voice.

He is just desperate.

"Can we please move on now, I'm not going and that's final." I toss the red football in the air and catch it.

"Ok fine. So am I still coming over tonight?"

"Yeah I spose. Emily is working all today so I'm going to be bored shitless."

"I didn't know she had a job?"

"Yeah, at that 'Walker's Café' her and Tori always go to."

"I know the one. So what time do you want me to come round?"

"Anytime after 4 is ok."

"Ok, see you then."

"Bye." I hang up and walk downstairs.

My Mum stands in the kitchen, mixing a bowl of what looks like cake batter.

"What ya makin?" I ask, sitting down on a stool and leaning over the flour covered bench. Mum was always a messy cook, but my god did the food turn out amazing.

"Chocolate ripple cake." She smiles softly.

I quickly dip my finger in the bowl when my mother isn't looking and stick the thick mixture into my mouth.
My eyes roll back in my head and I swear I drooled a little.

This tastes incredible!

"Are you going anywhere today?" She asks me when she turns around and begins pouring the contents of the bowl into a cake tin.

"Well Emily is working and Ash is busy with family, so I guess not."

"Isn't Emily's birthday coming up?"

"Oh yeah it's in 5 days, and I still can't think of anything to get her. I've looked in tons of jewelry stores but everything is either way to expensive or not pretty enough for her. And I want to get her something meaningful." I explain slowly as I watch mum put the cake in the oven.

Her choppy brown hair is secured in a messy bun on top of her head with wispy bits falling out everywhere. She wipes her hands on her (what used to be white) apron and looks up at me.

"I'm sure you will think of something sweetheart. Just try and think of things she might have said she liked while you were in the mall. Or you could ask her mum if she has any ideas." She says, wiping down the bench with a yellow dish cloth.

"Ok, thanks Mum. I might go for a drive to the mall and see if anything catches my eye." I stand up.

"Need some company?"

"Nah I'm ok, thanks." I smile at her and head to the front door. I take my leather jacket off the coat stand and shut the front door behind me. I climb into my ute, a Toyota Hilux, and crank up the heaters.

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