part 12: wake up

Começar do início

Issei: no no no

He saw a mask manifest on her face, horns grew on her head, her tails disappeared and her arms turned into blades.

Issei: why? Why is this happening to you?

Issei then saw nothing but pitch black.

Issei: how? How could someone so beautiful become that thing? And why?

He then saw the image of Rias flash infront of him. He started to get angry, heart beat rising. He saw this right in front of him.

 He saw this right in front of him

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Issei: what the..

It latched on to him and started to grow once more. Issei screamed as his chest pain increased, his anger rose considerably.

Issei tried to get it off but it's too fluid like to get any actual grip on it

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Issei tried to get it off but it's too fluid like to get any actual grip on it. Issei then saw his hair grow longer, his body turned white and has black markings on his chest, horns grew on his head, his fingers turned into black claws. He was trying so hard to control himself as a voice told him to destroy.

 He was trying so hard to control himself as a voice told him to destroy

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Issei:stop, GET OFF OF ME.

Issei started clawing his body, everytime he ripped off some of white
substance it would just grow back, he felt himself losing to the mask.

hollow with a heart (re-write)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora