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Though of course, Ink knew he should at the very least check to see how secured the vent cover was. Even if the odds of it being loose were slim to none, he knew he still should check at the very least. His legs shook a bit as he made his way over to the vent cover; stumbling a bit due to his already uneasy legs while having to deal with the new feeling of walking in high heels. After practically almost falling flat on his face at least three times, he eventually managed to get over to the vent cover. While the idea of crawling through a vent system was honestly not so ideal to him, what other choice did he have, should the vent cover be loose? After all, it's not like there were any windows in this room and he sure as hell wasn't going to risk trying to sneak out the room's door. Because chances are, there were likely guards outside the closed door. And he sure as hell did not plan on walking out and getting grabbed by guards. Because surely, Nightmare would hear word of this, should any guards find out.

Ink thought for a moment as he glanced at the four screws that were on the vent cover. He knew that should they have been firmly in place, they'd be much closer to the metal vent cover than they currently were. Signifying to Ink that these screws were at least partially loose. Though, while they were loose, he couldn't just use his fingers to unscrew the screws. They were still far too close to the metal vent cover for him to be able to get even a sturdy grip on any of the screws. So, he resorted to attempting to search the room for any sort of object that he could use to undo the screws on the vent cover. At the very least, he knew the vent would at least be large enough for him to fit through; should he be able to manage to actually get the vent cover open somehow.

Ink tried his damn best to be as silent as possible whilst he searched around the room for anything he could even potentially use to remove the screws. Obviously, a screwdriver wasn't an option for him to use to get the screws of the vent cover undone. So, he was looking for anything small yet firm to use that would be slim enough. Such as for example, perhaps a coin of some sorts could work. The only issue is, there didn't appear to be any form of coins here in the room; or at least, not any that Ink could manage to find. "Ok so, coins are out of the question then." Ink mumbled softly to himself under his breath quietly as he continued his search. He couldn't help but let out a silent sigh as he continued his search whilst making sure to be constantly listening carefully for any possible footsteps approaching the room. After all, he had no idea when that minion would be returning to the room to check in on him; that is if they planned on returning to the room at all. Ink had no way of telling about just how soon they may return. But if luck continues to be on Ink's side, then perhaps just maybe, Ink might have just enough time to find an object to get the vent cover undone to attempt to escape through the vent system; albeit he knew for a fact that navigating the vent system would likely be no easy task whatsoever for him.

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