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Ink felt a bead of cold sweat drip down his skull. "Uh... H-Hey Dream...? Y-You're not still mad, r-right?..." Dream looked at Ink quietly for a moment, seeming to almost smile at Ink. This of course, just left Ink utterly confused. "Of course we're on better terms, Ink! How could I EVER be mad at you?" Dream's smile seemed a little too sweet now, not that Ink particularly caught on to. "W-Wait, really? I-I mean, I was kinda framed for the murder, s-so I'm glad you're not still mad at me for no reason..." Dream went silent as his apparent smile fell flat. "...What do you mean?..." Ink glanced to the side, seemingly feeling bad for what happened, but not necessarily in the sense that it showed guilt. "H-Have you ever heard tales of those who impersonate others to shift blame onto them? I wasn't the one who did that crime. When you told me about it, I wanted to apologize for the accident, I really did. But you wouldn't let me explain what was going on and you just kicked me out into the snow..." Dream seemed to feel a little bad now, but only a little bit. Had he wrongly accused his new friend of such a horrible crime without further looking into possible suspects?... Had he really jumped to conclusions?...

Dream seemed to be contemplating his actions now. A wave of utter confusion kept repeatedly crashing down onto his skull, honestly giving him quite a splitting headache. He's honestly not used to being told that he may have possibly misjudged someone's actions. "I... I never took into consideration that someone may have framed you... I-I'm so sorry for kicking you out like that Ink. After all, now that I think about it, you wouldn't even have a motive to kill Faith... Didn't you used to adore him?..." He scratched the side of his skull lightly with one finger. "Words cannot... Words cannot even begin to explain how truly sorry I am for the false accusation..." Ink was mentally relieved that Dream seemed to be falling for this lie...for now. He knew that even if Dream may believe him at this current moment, that does not mean Dream will always believe Ink's lie. "I-It's fine, Dream... I-I'm used to being falsely accused of things..." Shit, why'd he say that?! He wasn't trying to guilt trip Dream more than the lie he had spoken, but unfortunately he seemed to just be digging himself a deeper grave with this lie. Fortunately, either Dream didn't seem to be catching on to the lie, or Dream was merely going along with what Ink was saying to make Ink believe otherwise.

If you'd think it wouldn't be easily seen when someone as positive as Dream feels bad about something, you'd be mistaken. The poor skeleton practically looked at wits end over the fact he wrongly accused a friend of an act so utterly horrible to even think about. Dream seemed to be more than just silently conflicted over this though as he pulled Ink into a tight hug; mumbling "I'm Sorry" over and again as he held him close. Could his 'friend' ever forgive Dream's utter stupidity for being so quick to blame someone out of the grief he had been feeling?

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