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Ink only grumbled to himself in utter annoyance the moment that damn god of death or whatever had left the room. "Good fucking riddance..." he grumbled under his breath, only for a disembodied voice to reply with "Nah, you'll never get rid of me, pal." Ink legitimately growled upon hearing Reaper's annoying ass voice. "STOP FUCKING PESTERING ME, YA DAMN COFFEE BOY!" Reaper only snorted a bit at that "In your dreams, pal. In your sweet dramatic dreams..." Ink's eye almost twitched a bit in anger. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Though of course, Dream heard Ink yelling, so, with him being the worried friend that he was, he called upstairs to his friend, Ink. "Ink? Are you doing alright up there?... You seem angered at something, is something the matter?..." Ink tensed a bit, being a bit nervous as he called back down to Dream. "I-I'm fine, don't worry about it; I just had a bad dream..." Unfortunately for Ink, that immediately got Dream's attention as it was apparently not a good answer and Dream rushed upstairs to Ink's room, only to find the door was locked. "Ink, please open the door, I want to make sure you're completely alright!"

Ink only got more tense. "I said I'm perfectly fine, Dream... Just had a really bad dream..." Dream sighed softly and just simply teleported into the room. "Look, if you had a bad dream, then that means my brother was here affecting your dreams even though he knows full well that giving monsters in my home bad dreams is against our agreement; just as I cannot give his minions good dreams in his castle. So please, if you had a bad dream, I need to fix thi-" he went silent as his eye sockets went pitch dark at the sight of the deep gashes on Ink's arm, a bloody scrap of metal near Ink. Words could not begin to describe how incredibly worried Dream was now for Ink. He couldn't even possibly imagine that Ink did this to himself, so he could only assume that Nightmare must have hurt Ink when Ink was sleeping. Dream's tone of voice fell dark and grim. "That fucking bitch hurt my own friend... I swear I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to you... I will avenge you Ink, I swear on it..." Yeah, this clearly was not helping the silent guilt that Ink felt, because not only did he just lie to Dream again, but now Dream thinks that someone else was to blame for his self-inflicted wounds.

Dream gave Ink a more than worried look as he gently grabbed hold of Ink's arm. "Here, at least let me heal you, Ink..." he said softly as he began to focus his magic on the wounds, attempting to heal them. The healing would be somewhat successful, although it would cause a bit of a burning feeling on Ink's arm as the deep wounds were slowly being healed. "O-Ow, that kinda hurts, Dream..." he grumbled softly under his breath. Dream began to mutter quiet apologies to Ink under his breath as he continued to focus on trying to heal Ink. "Nightmare did this to you, didn't he?..." Ink tensed at the fact that Dream knew Nightmare, not saying anything. And wouldn't you know that that damn coffee boy decided to contribute to the drama this time. "Sorry if I'm intruding, but may I just say a few things to you while you heal him, Dream? Because I'm sure you'd love to hear a bit of what I have to say. After all, Ink is in some pretty deep conflicting trouble with Nightmare. Trouble that Ink's trying to escape. All because he ended up telling a lie to Nightmare and unfortunately for Ink, Nightmare now has quite an attraction to Ink, wanting him as his lover." Ink's face paled as Reaper said that aloud to Dream. He had no idea as to how Dream would even take this information...

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