~28~ / ~A/N~

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By the time Ink woke up, he saw he was in a different room now. This room was unfamiliar to Ink. Even worse was that he was being fitted for a wedding dress at the moment. When he was conscious enough to realize what was going on, he began putting up a struggle. Unfortunately for him, the wedding dress was already on him. Ink felt that the dress was extremely uncomfortable, which only added on to the reasons why he was putting up a struggle. He felt embarrassed that someone had literally changed his outfit for him while he had been unconscious. He could only figure that the person that was getting him ready for the wedding had seen all the scars he had on his body.

After figuring out that struggling wasn't helping him in the situation, he gave up on struggling. He didn't want to accept this as his fate, he really didn't. But he had no choice at this point. He glanced at the clock, seeing it was only a little past noon. He let out a soft whimper but walked over to a full body mirror, looking at his dress in the mirror. His dress was a pure black dress with beautiful silverish moonlight colored small star shaped crystals scattered all over the dress. A necklace has also been placed around Ink's neck. The necklace had a long black chain with a beautiful large crescent moon on it that was made of pure silver. So, of course, the dress was weighted by the crystals and the necklace was somewhat heavy. Ink didn't hate the way the dress looked, but he didn't like how weighted it was. 

Ink trembled a bit as he looked at his reflection, still having a hard time believing that he really was going to have to marry Nightmare today. He would have much rather married Error instead. Even if Error would have never loved him back, he wouldn't have cared as long as he could have been with Error. He looked down at his hands, seeing he had black velvet fingerless gloves on his hands now, that both had a large silver crescent moon on the back of the hand with small silver stars surrounding the two crescent moons. When he looked down at the ground, he was a bit annoyed when he saw they had put black high heels on him. He didn't even know how to walk in high heels. Then again, he was surprised he hadn't fallen down yet from the high heels.

He was still really nervous about what would be happening very soon. He knew Nightmare wouldn't let him say no at the wedding, so that wasn't an option. He also hated the fact that Nightmare would also make him wear a crown and ring from now on. As for Nightmare, Nightmare had had the crown be professionally made as well as have the ring professionally made. The ring of the band was midnight sky black with small diamond stars all around the ring, and as for the crown, the crown was quite beautiful. It was actually a midnight black sky color with diamond stars all around the crown with a large silver crescent moon on the front. Just preparing this wedding has cost Nightmare a fortune, but Nightmare feels like this was well worth it. Based on how detailed ink's outfit was, you could really tell how much time and effort Nightmare had put into all of this. But for now, all Ink really could do was wait for the wedding to actually happen.

// A/N: I'm honestly wondering if anyone would ever want to draw fanart of Ink in his wedding dress as well as with his necklace, crown, ring, gloves, and high heels. I just think it would be cool to see fanart of this. Though, I doubt anyone would want to draw fanart for my books... After all, I know my books aren't very good at all...//

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