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Oh, how was Ink going to talk his way out of this one? It's bad enough he had essentially slipped up in front of Error himself, but now he had to try to talk his way out of this? Ink having started this lie in the first place was rather challenging for Ink on its own, seeing as he's not exactly the best at lying. He had a God of Death pissed off at him, a Prince of Negativity wanted to marry him, and he had a faint feeling of guilt on his mind for the murders to which he had committed. Error kept his arms firmly crossed as he began to grow impatient with Ink. "EnOuGh WiTh ThE dElAyInG, ArE yOu GoNnA eXpLaIn Or NoT?" "...Ok, so fine, I did lie about who I was... I... I've fucked up a lot, ok? Just don't go telling Nightmare this..." Error went silent for a moment then began to glitchily laugh. "Oh, ThIs Is PrEcIoUs, AbSoLuTe GoLd. ThE LiTtLe WaNnAbE pRoTeCtOr HaS bEeN sPrEaDiNg LiEs. WhAt ElSe HaS tHe LiTtLe WaNnAbE pRoTeCtOr AnD cReAtOr BeEn Up To LaTeLy?" Ink huffed a bit, "Even though I told you about one lie, doesn't mean I've been up to anything else lately, aside from trying to avoid marrying Nightmare."

Error could only grin in twisted delight as he heard Ink say the words 'one lie'. "ArE YoU ImPlYiNg ThAt YoU'Ve BeEn TeLlInG MoRe ThAn OnE lIe To Us MoNsTeRs? Or Is SoMeThInG eLsE gOiNg On?" Ink rolled his eyelights a bit as he tried to hide the fact he was silently panicking in the depths of his mind. After all, if Error found out the real stuff he had done, what would Error even think about him? Would Error avoid him if he found out Ink murdered an innocent child? Would Error be approving of the idea of murder due to him being a destroyer? Ink had no idea whatsoever. He didn't know what to do or say. Error kept his gaze focused on Ink. "BuT sEriOuSlY, WhAt ElSe HaVe YoU bEeN uP tO?" Error wasn't asking because he cared about Ink's wellbeing, he was mainly asking out of utter boredom from having nothing better to do at the moment. Ink stayed silent for a moment. "Oh uh...nothing much? Totally haven't committed a few crimes that would most definitely make the entire Multiverse hate me... heh heh.... yeah... Totally didn't do that..."

"So, LeT mE gEt ThIs StRaIgHt, YoU, ThE LiTtLe WaNnAbE CrEaToR aNd PrOtEcToR hAs CoMmItTeD sOmE cRiMeS?" "Uh....No?" Error rolled his eyelights. "YoU LiTeRaLlY sAiD iT yOuRsElF." "No, I didn't just accidentally admit to some horrible crimes I recently committed. Maybe I should just go..." Error scoffed. "YoU aReN't GoInG aNyWhErE uNtIl I gEt An AnSwEr FrOm YoU." Ink began to sweat a bit nervously as he avoided eye contact. "I'mma just go now..." unfortunately for Ink, before he could leave, an all too known skeleton made his appearance; still being angered at Ink. "Oh no you fucking don't, artist boy. I ain't gonna let ya get off the hook that easily from spilling my coffee." Reaper growled a bit as he approached Ink. Ink just backed up, clutching his brush firmly in his hands. "Annnddd, that's my cue to leave!" Ink attempted to sprint past Reaper. Error was honestly just confused about this now. "ThE fUcK iS gOiNg On?..."

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