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After being carried for what felt like half an hour, Ink felt as the person set him down on some sort of comfortable furniture. He couldn't exactly tell if it was a couch or maybe a bed, but he didn't care. He just liked that it was comfortable. After about two or maybe three hours, Ink began to slowly wake up, soon slowly sitting up. He saw he was in some sort of bedroom. It was a decent looking bedroom that wasn't too over decorated, but it also wasn't under decorated. He didn't recognize this room though. He then tried to get up out of bed, soon succeeding to do so. He quietly left the room, trying to figure out where he was but nothing wasn't showing any signs of being familiar to him. Ink soon found the staircase and was about to go downstairs but stopped when he heard a faint humming from inside a room near the staircase. The room's door was closed though. 

Ink went over to the room, slightly leaning his head against the door to listen to the tune. It sounded so familiar but at the same time, it felt so new to Ink. He smiled a bit as he continued to listen to the tune that was being hummed by someone. The tune was quite calming. Ink was honestly half tempted to open the door quietly to see who was humming but at the same time, he didn't know if that would be a good idea. He continued to lean against the door but yelped a bit when the door opened, causing ink to fall on top of the person. Ink blushed heavily but quickly got up, looking at the person. The person was a smaller skeleton whom had a pretty gold crown on his head and his crown matched his cape. Though, Ink didn't recognize this smaller skeleton. "S-Sorry! I-I didn't mean to fall on top of you! I-I just heard pretty humming and I wanted to listen to it-"

The smaller skeleton smiled at Ink. This smaller skeleton was Dream but Dream has never met Ink before. "It's alright, don't worry about it! I'm just glad you're finally awake! I found you out in the snow, passed out, and I was worried so, I brought you to my house so you wouldn't freeze to death!" This earned a small grateful smile from Ink. "T-Thanks for saving me, I-I guess..." But Dream heard Ink mumble "I didn't really want to be saved..." Which it really concerned Dream when he heard Ink say that. He tilted his head, a bit confused. "What do you mean you didn't want to be saved?" A small worried expression was on Dream's face now as he looked at Ink.

Ink sighed a bit and looked to the side, tears rolling down his cheeks once again. "M-My life has been in a really rough spot lately a-and sometimes it's hard to keep going on with life..." He sniffled a bit, avoiding eye contact. That statement of course caused Dream to feel very concerned for Ink's safety. "If you would like, you can stay with me for a while, I don't mind. That is of course if you would like to stay with me. It's up to you whether you stay or not. Besides, I could use some company... It's been quite lonely here lately..."  Ink thought for a moment and hesitantly agreed to stay with this person. "W-What's your name...?" "Oh! My name is Dream! What's your name??" "...Ink..." After having said that, Ink soon decided to spend some time with Dream.

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