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Ink sniffled as he went to a random au. He didn't care where he was right now. The dark thoughts kept filling his skull more and more. 'See? Error even told you to your face that he hates you!' 'You're such a fucking mistake, Ink.' 'You never deserved a second chance, bitch.' 'Everyone hates you, Ink.' The voice in ink's head was bothering ink again but at this point, Ink was used to it by now. After all, the voice was right about everything, right? Ink felt as his tears fell faster down his face. He wanted the voices in his head to stop, he really did. But he knew they'd never stop.

Ink sniffled as he went and sat down under a tree, setting his paintbrush down on the ground next to him. He just sat there, crying, as the voice continued to mentally torment him for what felt like years even though in reality, it's only been at most a few hours. Why was the multiverse always so against him specifically? What did he ever do to deserve all this mental torture? He didn't understand. He really didn't. Why was life so damn unfair for him? All this did was darken his thoughts. He snapped his fingers, summoning a knife. 

He glanced around. There was no one around. He was alone and no one was there to stop him. His hand trembled as he held the knife in his hand after pulling his left sleeve up. He had a low pain tolerance but this... This distracts him from his mental pain by giving him physical pain instead. He moved the blade of the knife close to his arm, using it to start to cut little chunks of bone off his arm since his bones have been weak lately so it was easy to cut chunks of bone off his arm. This caused some bone marrow to leak out of the wounds but at this point, he didn't even care. The physical pain just distracted him from his mental torture, that's all he cared about right now. 

His hand was trembling badly as he just sat there, letting the bone marrow leak out of his arm. Why did he keep doing this to himself? He didn't know. But one thing for sure is that he didn't know how much longer he could take this suffering. Especially if Error really didn't love him back. He didn't know of any other reason for him to stay alive now that he knew that Error supposedly didn't love him back. But really, what was the point? He knew he was supposed to be Creator for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to keep living this life if he was going to be this miserable. Though, Ink got the feeling he was being watched now. Did he know who was watching him? Nope. Did he care? Nope. Why should he care anyways?

He just sighed and stayed there, feeling as more bone marrow leaked from him. He felt tired and weak. Which probably wasn't such a good sign but, he'd live. It was just hard for him to stay awake right now, that's all. He had difficulty holding his knife now, soon letting it fall into the snow. His breathing was also a bit unstable right now. He felt it was much harder to stay awake now. He tried to stay awake, he really did but soon, he passed out almost fully. He was a tiny bit conscious though. But he couldn't move nor could he speak or make any form of sound. 

After staying like this for around maybe two hours out in the snow, he soon heard footsteps approach him. He couldn't open his eyes to see who it was, but he felt like whoever this was, they didn't mean him any harm. He liked the feeling of strong positivity their aura had. He felt as the person picked him up and started carrying him somewhere. Ink had no idea where they were going but since he more or less trusted this person, he really didn't care right now.

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