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Ink just stayed there, silent. Words couldn't even begin to describe how utterly well... shocked... he was... "D-Did... Did that really just happen?... Or am I hallucinating now?..." Ink sounded completely caught off guard and confused. His mind was refusing to process the event that just took place. What was this feeling Ink felt? Is this what others refer to as feeling true guilt?... Even more than what he had already felt?... Dream could only glare at Ink. While he didn't know who to believe, he opted to force Ink out of his house. "If I see you anywhere near my house ever again, I will fucking kill you. LEAVE!" He yelled out at Ink, causing Ink to flinch; Ink quickly exited the house with both his new scythe and his brush. This was going to be a lot he would need to get used to. After all, now he had two major roles placed upon his shoulders; that is if it wasn't taken into consideration that he had a princely role in Slicedtale now, but eh, Ink wasn't too worried about it. That currently wasn't even on his mind's list of worries. If anything, his main worry should be about if he actually just broke Reaper or not.

Eh, surely Reaper was just trying to guilt trip him, right? Well, if that's the case, then Reaper should have taken into account that Ink cannot fall for something as 'pathetic' as an attempted guilt trip. Yeah, that's all it was. And as for why Reaper gave him the scythe, it was more than likely just to further try to convince Ink about this guilt trip, or so Ink thought. Dream however, had decided upon fully believing Reaper, more than his so-called friend, Ink. At this point, Ink didn't even care about the supposed loss of his potential helper, Dream. He could easily find people better than Dream, right? Oh, how very very wrong Ink was. Help from monsters like Dream wasn't always easy to find, and Ink would have to learn that the hard way, it would seem. What he should be focusing on instead is trying to get Error to like him back, but how the hell was he going to pull that one off? Even Ink wasn't sure about how to do that. As much as he loved Error, Error was pretty unpredictable quite frequently; which certainly was not something helpful for getting Error to like Ink.

A thought crossed Ink's mind. A dangerous thought. It was a thought for a backup plan for getting Error to like him in the usual proper way to get someone to fall for someone, then perhaps a bit of capturing may be necessary... Perhaps... A bit of kidnapping Error until Error develops loving feelings for Ink. But the question is, how the hell would Ink keep Error contained as a hostage? Because well, Error isn't exactly the easiest monster to keep any form of control over, that was a fact Ink knew quite well about Error. However, only time will tell how this will go...

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