Denki had a really bad grandfather

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Just a warning that this chapter will contain homophobic slurs and death threats through graffiti. If you're uncomfortable with that then please don't read.

Shinso's pov

The train back to the dorms was certainly interesting. I would also stare if saw a man who looked like he could kill literally transfixed by a tiny cat sitting on his lap. Not to mention that everyone probably knew him from the sports festival, and he didn't exactly give himself a great reputation.

But it was fine. I was chatting with Kiri, who had his arm around Bakugo's shoulder, and Kami was talking to Mina and Sero.

"Sorry for ruining the date everyone," Denki says once we're off the train and walking home.

"What do you mean!" Mina exclaims, "the date was good! There was one small hiccup, but it happens sometimes right?" She grin, and Denki seems to relax a little, and nods.

"You're right."

I turn to him.

"You know, I really had fun," I say, smiling a little. He grins back.

"Yeah, it was pretty good. We should do it again some time! Hopefully if we do, it'll go more peacefully," he laughs.

"It wasn't that bad," Bakugo admits, still watching Mouse.

"Kami's right! We should do it again some time!"

Everyone's chattering away again, and we walk back to the dorms.

"Hey guys," Tsu says, "where did you guys go all day, kero?"

"Nowher-" Kiri starts, but Mina slaps her hand over his mouth and answers for him.

"We went on a TRIPLE DATE!"

Tsu looks around at the 6 of us.

"But... five of you are guys, kero? Did you lose the ladies? Did it not go well?"

"Uhh, yeah, no. Me and Katsuki are dating, and so are Kami and Shinso!"

We all watch Tsu hesitantly as she looks between us, then nods knowingly.

"That makes sense, kero. Hope you had fun then." She walks away.

"That went ok?" Mina says tentatively.

"Would have gone better if you'd kept your dumb mouth shut," Bakugo says, walking over to the couch and sitting down with Mouse.

"Heh... sorry about that."

We all go over to the couch, and I sit next to Todoroki.

"Where's Midoriya?" I ask.

"Ururaka's here," he says, nodding to the other side of the room.

Recently, the only time you see Midoriya and Ururaka in the same room is during class and training. Any other time and Midoriya avoids her like the plague.

"It's been over a month since they broke up. Is it really that bad?

"It's getting better I guess. He still won't talk to her though."

I nod. It makes sense. I can't imagine how I'd feel if Denki cheated on me.


What would happen if Denki cheated on me? I don't really want to think about it, but if anyone in our class we're to cheat...

No. I won't think about that. Denki wouldn't do that.

"I think it's better for him with you there."

Shinkami - think I'm into youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें