Late for school

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Kaminaris pov

I wake up with a groan. I open my eyes and try to look around my room, but it's too dark to see anything. I want to get up, but the blanket is really heavy and warm, and I don't think I can fight it. I snuggle into it a bit before I get a wave of realisation hits me.

It's not a blanket. It's shinso.

Shin, a voice in my head says, he asked you to call him Shin.

I feel myself grinning like mad, and my stomach is doing happy little flips. I knew I'd make him my friend. I tuck my head back into his chest and fall back asleep. I can't remember what day it is, so we'll get out of bed when Shin wakes up.

Shinso's pov

When I wake up, the first thing I think is - I'm hugging something.

My second thought is - I'm hugging someone.

My third thought makes my insides swirl with butterflies - that person is Denki.

And only at my fourth thought do I finally realise - today's a school day.


"Awww shinsooooooo," he whines, "watch your japaneeeese."


"I don't care..." he grabs my arm and drags me back into the bed.

"You're warmmmmm get back innnnn."

"Denkiiiiii," I try to tug my arm back, but his grip is strong. "I don't want to be kicked out of 1A when we only just started."

Denki grumbles something about a guilt trip but he gets up so it's worth it.

I brought my stuff over here yesterday, denki and I had already organised for me to stay the night. I didn't realise he just wanted me to sleep. I take off my shirt and rummage around denkis room for my school shirt.

"You're really hot."

Kaminaris pov




My face heats up as I realise what I said. He had his shirt off, and it just came into my head. I always say what I think without thinking about it too much.

"Um... you're really hot."

He stares at me.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" I think his face has also gone red. And I mean really red. Like, I know that I'm pink, but he looks like he's about to blow a fuse.

"Well, it's kinda weird how you have no fans considering how attractive you are. You'd think that you'd have at least a couple of girls from the general course who have a crush on you right? And if you had a more revealing hero costume there'd be heaps of people fawning over you..." I tried really hard to save myself, but I'm making all of it up on the spot. That's not what I actually thought when I said it.

I just straight up thought he was hot.

The same way I'd think a girl is hot.

Which can't be right.

I'm starting to feel a bit panicked but then shinso finally says something.

"...ok." I breathe a sigh of relieve.

"We should really get going," I chuckle nervously. Right now nothing feels better than leaving this room.

I get dressed as quickly as I can, grabbing my tie to put on on the way.

"Ok let's go," I grab Shinso's hand, and run down the stairs with him stumbling behind. No time to wait for the elevator. No time to let myself think.

I keep sprinting, out of the building and down the street, still dragging Shinso behind me. I don't notice that he's breathing raggedly until we get about 500 metres down the road.

"How are you still sprinting?" He gets out in between breaths."

"Oh that's right," I realise, "you haven't experienced Mr Aizawas intensive fitness training yet. Something about your hero costume not being made yet?"

I don't really understand that logic, since we do training in our sports uniform, but whatever. I've seen Shinso's hero costume design, it's pretty cool. He even asked for a mask that mimics people's voices, so he can make them more likely to respond to him.

He nods and I slow down so he can regain his breath. I'm breathing pretty hard too, but he looks like he's about to die.

"We need to keep walking shinso," I say, as I pull on his hand, which I'm still holding. We've been standing still just long enough for more thoughts to enter my mind. Luckily, my face is red from running, so he can't tell.

He nods again, but doesn't say anything, I keep dragging him, he's not walking very fast. It takes us about 10 minutes to walk to UA. Another minute and we're in front of 1A.

"Hey Mr Aizawa sorry we're-"

"Detention for a week, now sit down." Wow, Aizawa didn't even hesitate. I should be grateful we weren't expelled I guess.

I drag Shinso into he classroom, and there are a few giggles. I turn around and laugh myself, because Shinso looks hilarious.

He's bright red in the face, panting like he's about to die, and his hair is even more of a mess than usual. He sees me laughing and sneers. It's not very scary.

"You're fault," he mumbles, ripping his hand out of mine. I laugh, but I am a bit sad that he let go of my hand.

Shinso's pov

I hate him. I hate him SO MUCH. How dare he hold my hand the entire time. I'm glad the running hides the fact that I'm blushing so hard.

HOW DARE HE turn around and laugh and light up the room like that. HOW DARE his smile be so bright and wonderful.

But most of all, HOW DARE HE call me hot. I still don't even know what he meant by that. How am I supposed to here that and not have a gay panic.

And I don't even have anyone to talk to it about because he is my one and only friend.

For the first time in my life, sitting in that desk, staring at the board pretending to be listening, for the first time, I wish I had more friends. It's almost as if I never knew how good it was, so I pretended it was bad. But not that I have one... I want more.

I groan and lean my face into my desk.

"Something you want to share Shinso?" Mr Aizawa asks.

"No sir, sorry." He resumes teaching. I risk a glance at Kami. He's really focusing on the board, and is biting the end of his pen. Not in the way that leaves marks on the end, but more running it through his teeth. I look away again. I don't want to be noticing something like that. I like him to much already, and every new cute little thing I notice only makes it worse.

But I guess nothing makes it worse than the fact that he's straight.

Ok so... I know I said like 4 chapters ago that I would get denki to have his bi panic in the next chapter but like... this time I'm serious. I have literally no planning at all, I just know how the stories going to go on general. But. NEXT CHAPTER. DENKI AND BAKUGO TALK. SHINSO MAKES FRIENDS AND TALKS TO ONE OF THEM ABOUT IT. I PROMISE.

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