Girls are demons

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I get to Mina's dorm, the doors sitting open, and she's the only one there. She's lying on her bed, phone in hand and eating from a bag of chips. I feel a bit awkward.

"Uh, Hey Mina..." I say from the doorway.

"EEEE SHINSO," she screams, yanking me into the dorm, slamming and locking the door behind me.

I run my wrist where she grabbed it as she sits back on her bed, cross legged this time and stares at me intently, grabbing her packet of chips and munching on them, never breaking eye contact with me.

I stand in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Um... are you ok?" I ask as inoffensively as possible. Her stare is unsettling.

"Who do you have a crush on," she asks in a hushed voice.

"I- what? Is this some weird friendship ritual or something?" I'm trying to hint that I've never really had friends before and would like her to explain what's happening, but she doesn't take the hint. (Mums do be like that sometimes).

"I think I know who it is but I'm not sure. Maybe it's just the side affects of what Bakugo told us before. I don't really know. So who do you have a crush on."

I'm so confused. Then a thought hits me. One that I haven't had in a while.

"Aren't you afraid to talk to me?" I ask, completely irrelevant to the conversation.

"Babes, we're waaaaaay past that point right now," she puts the chips to the side and leans forward onto her elbows. "right now we're talking about you and a certain Denki Kaminari."

"I- fuck," I panic. I don't know where to put my hands so after a second of fumbling, I settle for crossing my arms, all the while watching Mina's eyes widen and goddamn sparkle.

"EEEEEE," she screams again, bouncing on the bed, making it creak.

"FUCKING EXTRAS UNLOCK THE DOOR," we hear Bakugos muffled yelling and a few bangs.

"Coming bakubabe!" She gets off the bed and unlocks the door, allowing the angry male to storm inside the dorm. "Me and shinso were just talking."

"Shinso and I," Bakugo corrects.

"Whatever," Mina responds.

Behind Bakugo is Kirishima. He runs around Bakugo whilst yelling "First one on the bed is the manliest!" And launching onto Mina's bed. Bakugo tried to grab him, but misses his leg, so Kirishima gloats whilst spreading out on the bed. Bakugo comes over and pushes Kirishima to one side of the bed, lying on the the other.

I'm about to roll my eyes at their childish behaviour, when Kaminari walks in with Jirou. They're chatting about something, I can't hear over Bakugo and Kirishima play wrestling, and Jirou says something to make Kaminari laugh.

"Hey Kami," I say awkwardly, not really wanting to interrupt whatever conversation he was having and obviously enjoying with Jirou. He just grins at me.

"Hey Shin! You still excited for Truth or Dare."

"Definitely. I've only read about it in books and stuff, and it seems really fun."

Denki shakes his head.

"Truth or Dare is a girls game. And girls are literal demons. We're destined to die tonight Shin. I'm just glad you could be there when I go." He mock salutes to me.

"Hey, we may be demons but at least we're hot," Mina yells from across the room.

Kami gives me a look, which makes me laugh. He grins again.

"It's so much nicer when you smile," he says.

I try not to die internally.

He doesn't mean it in that way.

Kaminari's pov

I definitely meant it in that way.

I did it again! I just said what came into my head, and I swear to god it's going to kill me one day.

"Ok!" Mina shouts, "everyone's here let's get started!" She shuts the door and gets everyone to sit in a circle.

"Alright, I'll go first," she grins evilly. Then she pulls an empty plastic soda bottle from behind her and spins it. It lands on Kirishima.

"Truth or dare?" She asks.

"Dare!" He grins.

"Hmm..." Mina thinks for a bit. "Anyone else have some suggestions?"

Jirou puts on a grin devilish enough to challenge Mina's.

"Use your sharp teeth to bite some holes in Bakugos shirt."

Kirishima sits there for a second, a little astounded, before shrugging.

"Sure I guess," he says before leaning over and pulling up Bakugos shirt to his mouth.

Bakugo growls and wriggles around a bit, but Kirishima just laughs and chomps into his shirt, leaving about 5 small indents in the shirt.

"Haha, it didn't really work, but I tried so it counts right?" He asks.

"Yeah sure," Mina shrugs. "Good enough for me. Your turn to spin."

This continues on for a while, until Mina spins and it lands on Kaminari.

"Ok truth or dare?"


Mina thinks for a second.

"Hey Kami, why are you so nervous around alcohol."

"Ah right, about that... well... my dad was a really violent drunk."

Everyone sits stock still. I didn't really know how they would react. I just want them to say something. Then Mina speaks up.

"Kami, did he ever... hurt you?"

I shake my head.

"No, but he used to hit my mum. And once he even bashed her over the head with a broken beer bottle."

There's another silence.

"You said he was a very violent drunk," Sero says, "does that mean he's not anymore?"

"Well, he's kinda dead now. Went out drinking one night, next morning we got a call from the cops saying that he's been found on the side of the road. Drank too much."

Jirou speaks up next.

"Wait But Kami I've met your-"

"Step-dad. He and my mum have been married for about 7 years now."

"Denki I'm sorry," mina looks stressed. "You should have told us about the alcohol the other day, I would've put it away if I'd known I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

"It's ok." I say. It does make me feel much better now that they know. Dumb but true.

Shin nudges me with his shoulder, and gives me a soft smile. I smile back at him. He's so goddamn nice all the time. I don't get how people could ever hate him.

I shuffle over a little bit, just enough so that our arms barely touch, and spend the next couple of minutes just focusing on the contact. That is, until I hear Shinso speak up.

"You want me to do what?!"

>:) next chapter

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