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Shinso's pov

"You want me to do what?!"

I stare at Mina, and Kaminari snaps out of whatever daze he had been in.

She grins evilly.

"Give Kami a kiss. Just a little peck. On the lips."

Bakugo starts to cough, which I'm pretty sure is him holding in a laugh.

I turn to Kami and he looks just as red as me. It's definitely weird to get dared to kiss your best friend.

You're best friends are you now? The voice in the back of my head teases.

"Only if you're ok with it?" I ask him.

"Uhh- I- um- I mean- I guess- sure." He manages to get out. He's gonna hate me for this.

Here goes nothing.

Kaminaris pov

"Ok then," shinso says, and before I have time to prepare, he swoops in and kisses me.

And just like that, it's over again. I barely have time to process that it happened.

"See shinso, that wasn't too bad was it?" Mina teases.

"Whatever," shinso rolls his eyes.

Did you know shinso has purple eyelashes? You have to get really close to tell. When he kissed me he was close enough for me to notice.

I look at his eyes, trying to see it again, but from here they just look black. His eyes are pretty and purple though. I can't stop staring. He's talking with Mina and Sero, but he's not smiling. He's happy, he likes talking to them, but he's not smiling.

He only smiles when he's talking to me. My stomach does a happy little flip as I keep watching, pretending to be listening in on the conversation.

But I'm really just watching Shin.

Shinso's pov

I can't believe I kissed Kami. It was thrilling. I want to do it again. My entire body is filled with a strange buzz of happiness that just won't go away.

But I don't think Kami feels the same. He hasn't said a thing since the dare, not when Bakugo tried to blow up Jirou, not when they declared that spin the bottle was over.

He looks a little distant, like he's thinking. I'm pretty sure he's also listening in to the conversation.

Of course it didn't mean anything to him. It was just a dare. One day in the future, someone might bring up the time, "shinso was dared to kiss him" and he would just laugh at it.

Kaminari finally speaks up.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed now," he smiles tiredly, and we all wave him goodbye. I smile at him, but I don't think he noticed (idiot of course he did). I keep talking to Mina, Sero, and Kirishima.

"Hey man," Kirishima says, "you keep zoning out, you wanna head out?"

"Huh? Yeah actually. I think i might. Thanks for letting me join you guys tonight, I really enjoyed it," i say as I stand up and leave Mina's room, deciding to spare them a small smile as well.

And then I walk to my dorm room alone.

Kaminaris pov

When I get to my dorm, it's only about 10pm, but I get right into my bed.

I can't believe we actually kissed. It was so quick, but the more I replay it in my mind, the longer it gets, the more details come up.

His lips we so soft. I've kissed girls, heck I've made out with them, but I never expected a guys lips to be just as soft.

I reach up and touch my lips, it's almost as if I can still feel the pressure again them.

I take a deep breath, remembering what he smelled like, and actually get a little whiff of it.

That's right, he slept here last night. I pretty much forgot.

The smell of his cologne is literally intoxicating, I can't help but imagine what it would be like to just bury my head in his shoulder and just breathe him in.

And then once I've dont that maybe I would lift up my head and kiss him.

And maybe after that...

My face heats up and I stop myself from thinking any further than that.

Instead, I turn to my alarm clock, which currently says 10:12, and turn it on so that it'll go off in the morning.

And now I try to sleep.

Shinso's pov

When I get to my dorm, the clock on my wall reads 10:15. Too early to sleep.

I take out my laptop and turn on one of my favourite shows, but I can't concentrate. All I can think about is the kiss with Kami.

It was so short, but it meant so much to me. I've never kissed anyone before, and I've been crushing really hard on Kami for a good month now. I've gotten to know him, and that feeling hasn't gone away.

How could it mean any less?

I close my computer and sit in the darkness, the lights on the side of my computer flashing. I put it on my desk and sit back down on my bed.

It means so much to me, but it means so little to him.

He's probably kissed heaps of girls. He's definitely got the looks, and any girl who shows interest is attractive in his eyes.

I'm just someone who got dared to kiss him.

And I'm a guy.

It's at that thought that I feel it. In my heart, I feel the hole being drilled. I feel it cracking, I feel it splintering.

It hurts so much.

The sharp edges jab into the rest of my chest and pain fills me out. I feel tears in my eyes begin to form.

It hurts so much.

As the tears run down my face, the sharp pain turns into a dull, background throb that is somehow worse. Like the difference between being scratched with a stick and then whacked with a baseball bat.

It hurts so much.

I knew it would hurt. I'd told myself before that it would. I knew it was coming. But knowing it was coming didn't make it hurt any less.

But there's nothing I can do. Just like todoroki said.

He could never love me. No matter how hard I pray to the stars, the gods, the universe, to fate itself, he could never love me the way I love him. Even if he wanted to, even if he tried. He could never love me back.

And that really hurts.

Long authors note so skip if you don't want to read.
I hope you guys like it. Usually the kiss doesn't come with much angst but, well, you can't have too much angst am I right.
But anyway. I hope you like how the book's going! It makes me really happy whenever you guys leave sweet little comments throughout the book, you have literally no idea.

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