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Kaminaris pov

Bakugo comes back in a worse mood than ever, but doesn't say a single word. Which then puts Kirishima in a bad mood. Which then puts me in a bad mood. Which then puts Shin in a bad mood.

Luckily, the bell rings, signifying the end of lunch and an end to the excessive silence at the table making everyone uncomfortable.

We head off to class. Hopefully the tension will be gone after school.

Shinso's pov

Class ends, and I'm about to rush out of the classroom with Kami when Yaoyarozu comes up to me.

"Hey Shinso, Kaminari! The entire class was going to have a movie night down in the lobby tonight, so you want to come?"

Kami looks up at me, almost as if for approval. Like he actually cares about whether or not I want to go.

"Sure," I shrug, which makes Kami grin.

"Great!" She exclaims "Come down at 5 o'clock if you want to partake in the choosing of he movies, but other than that you can come down whenever!"

"Thanks Momo!" Kami calls out as she walks away.

"See you there!" She calls back. He turns back to me.

"So what're we going to do until then?" He asks me, eyes sparkling. I grin evilly.


Kaminari's pov

About two hours of arduous work later, and Shin finally lets us go downstairs. I swear that all the facts running through my head are preventing me from walking straight, so I have to lean on Shinso.

That's what I tell him at least.

When we get down there, we see that the class has started watching the hunger games.

"We watching the entire series?" I ask Sero as I sit down next to him on a couch, stealing his bag of popcorn.

"Nah, just the first one. The next ones a rom com, then whoever's left will have to endure a horror movie."

"Nice," i say, standing up and bringing the popcorn with me.

"Oi! That's mine!"

"Not anymore!" I screech, zooming away and hiding behind Shin, who crosses his arms and looks intimidating for me.

"You and your fucking boyfriend..." Sero mumbles, heading off to the kitchen to grab another bag of popcorn.

I laugh and drag Shin down to the beanbags on the floor in front of the tv.

We grab our beanbags and adjust them so that we can sit comfortably in them. I adjust mine so that I'm laying sideways, leaning partially on Shin, but so that I can still see the movie.

"Comfortable?" He asks sarcastically.

"Very," I respond, dramatically nuzzling into his arm.

"Just watch the movie," he says. I can practically hear the eye roll in his voice.

I just laugh.

Shinso's pov

We're currently watching the third movie, the horror one. The only ones left are me, Kami, Bakugo, Kirishima, Tokoyami, and Darkshadow. Although I'm not sure if Kami counts, because he's asleep.

Suddenly some glass shatters in the movie, someone breaking through a window. Kami sits straight up, eyes wide with panic.

"Mum! Are you ok!" He calls out.

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