The date

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Shinso's pov

I get ready 15 minutes early and make my way down to the gate to the dorms. When I'm there I send Kami a message.

Shin: come meet me at the gate when you're ready
Read 5:47pm

Kami: cool!
Read 5:49

Kami: coming now!
Read 5:57

Oof writing texting is hard

I put my phone in my pocket and watch the door, waiting for Kami to appear.

Since it's summer, the sun hasn't actually gone down yet. It should start to set in about half an hour, so we should hopefully get to the beach on time to see it.

I look down at my outfit. I'm just wearing some black board shorts, a white shirt and some trainers. Hopefully I'm not underdressed.

Kaminari finally comes out the front, and when he spots me he sends me a grin.

He's also wearing board shorts, but his are orange and yellow patterned, and he's wearing a black tank top and trainers. And also-

"You look really cute with your hair tied up," I say quickly, my face flushing red the second I say it. He only grins wider.

"Thanks. You look cute when your face is all red," he flirts. He's too smooth. My face goes an even deeper shade of red.

We start walking away from the dorms.

"What happens if Mr Aizawa catches us returning after curfew," Kami whispers to me.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," I whisper back. He laughs.

"You better make it worth the hours we get," he says, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Ah, well, sorry. I'll try," I say awkwardly. He laughs again.

"Ok Shin, I really need to teach you how to flirt. If I say something like 'you better make it worth my time', you say, 'oh I most certainly will' in your deepest and most seductive voice, ok?" I nod.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" He asks.

"How about you guess," I tease. He scrunches up his face.

"There's literally nothing over here Shin, I have no clue. Can't you just tell me?"

"No," I laugh.

"Just tell meeee," he whines.

I lean over and look him in the eyes.

"You gonna make me?" I growl, smirking and raising one eyebrow. He looks at me in supervise and turns back to look forwards.

"I- shit that was good." In the fading light I can see he face going pink. "I don't think you need any more lessons." I laugh again.

We reach the tree line, and I take him down a path.

"Still don't know where we are?" I ask.

"Nope. I've never been down here before."

"You should be able to see it at the top of this hill."

We follow the dirt path to the top of the hill, until we can see the waves.

I turn to check how Kami reacts.

"Do you like it?" I ask, and he turns to me, eyes sparkling.

"It's the beach! You took me on a night date to the beach!" He looks so excited that the butterflies that have been residing in my stomach for the last 30 minutes calm down a little bit.

He likes it.

"Come on lets go lets go let go!" He grabs my hands and the butterflies return immediately. He runs down the hill towards the sand, and I stumble down after him. By the time we're at the bottom, we're both puffing and laughing.

"Was that necessary?" I ask with another laugh.

"Absolutely. There is no other way to go down a hill than with speed." We both go into another fit of laughter, and I lead Kami closer to the water.

"Do you wanna go for a swim?" I ask.

"Yes." He says with such conviction that I laugh again.

I take of my shirt and drop it on the sand, waiting for Kami to do the same.

But instead he just looks me up and down.

Way to make me feel self conscious.

"You're really hot."

"You said that last time," I say, trying to keep my cool. I know I'm failing.

"Well, I'm allowed to appreciate the sight that made me question my sexuality." Why is he so goddamn smooth about everything. But I've kinda figured this out, so I at least have an intelligible response.

"Really? I thought it was my astonishing personality and overwhelming popularity that drew you in."

"Hmm, that too," he hums, putting his arms around my neck and pulling me down to his lips. It only lasts a second or two before I pull away again.

"Ok you needa take your shirt off too because i feel, ridiculous."

He just laughs, before taking of his tank top and pulling me into the water. Because this beach is actually in a cove, the only waves are little splashes right on the bank. The rest of it is practically flat.

Until Kami barges in like the elephant he is.

"Come on!" He calls out. I roll my eyes and follow him into the water. As soon as I reach him I splash him with water.

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" He says, now sopping wet.

"So was you being the smooth little fucker you are, so I guess neither of us get out way," I respond.

Instead of saying anything, he just splashes me with water. Now I'm wet too. I'm about to return it again when he ducks under the water. It's up to my hips, so he's well and truly submerged. He uses his hands to move himself underwater until he's right in front of me, then he comes up. Our noses are nearly touching. All I can hear is the water dripping from his hair, which is still in a ponytail.

I lean in slowly, transfixed by his golden aura, his eyes and his hair and his skin seem to be glowing in the sunset.

"How are you so beautiful?" I breath, half to myself. Instead of responding, he closes the gap and our lips touch.

He puts his arms around my neck, and even though they're wet, I don't care. I put my own arms around his waist, pulling him closer towards me, so that our bodies are flush together. All of a sudden I know what to do and when, and it all just works.

And it's wonderful.

Ayyy an entire chapter of Shinso! I've seen fanfics that end like this but I say no to pain. Yes to angst but no to pain. No to pain with no gain. So the rest of the date will be next chapter! And then there'll be a lot of chapters after that...

I loved writing this chapter so much. It was really cute, and it was just heaps of small, cute interactions and I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT.

I pre-named this chapter 'the date' so that I wouldn't go off track and write some after school angst, because that's the kind of thing I would do. Actually now that I think about it I would have done it if I didn't prename the chapter.

Next chapter will be entirely from Kaminari's point of view.

Also, there's all these fanfics out the that's like 'kaminaris inexperienced you know can't really flirt' and I'm like - really? Because I reckon he'd be a power bottom.

Also tell me if my authors notes are too long because it's literally just all the thoughts I have during the chapter dumped in one place.

They're getting longer each time I write them.

Anyway, love you all!

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