Mina is best Mum

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Kaminaris pov

"What're you grinning about Kami?" Kirishima asks once Shin heads off the bed.

I try not to flush red.

"Nothing," I say, but it comes out as more as a squeak.

"Come one broooo tell us," kiri grumbles playfully.

I pretend to think about it.

"Not until Bakugo talks to you," I decide.

"What do you mean! Me and Bakubro talk all the time!" He says, flinging his arm around Bakugos shoulder.

"Nah nah nah, Bakugo knows what I'm talking about." Kirishima looks at Bakugo.

"No fucking way pikachu. We're fine. Go be happy somewhere else."

"Fine then," I huff, standing up to go back to my dorm, still grinning.

"Wait!" I hear a screech. "You're not even going to tell Mummy Mina!"

I laugh and start running away as she chases after me.

I'm serious about Bakugo and Kiri needing to talk. As much as Kiri has what I would call 'a thing' for Bakugo, he doesn't actually have a crush on him and would never initiate the relationship.

He'd definitely turn red if you hinted at it, it pointed it out, and it'd still be considered a 'crush', but man, Bakugo's got it good compared to Kiri

Bakugo needs to man up a bit and confess.

And when he does, I can rub it in his face that I succeeded before him.

I know that I have way more experience with relationships and flirting than most of the people in the class but that's not the point.

The point is that I beat Bakugo at something.

I slow down to a walk and click my tongue at his stupidity.

"GOTCHA." Mina launches herself onto me, flinging my onto the ground.

"Now what's up," she asks.

"My lips are sealed," I say, pretending to zip my mouth shut.

"Kaaaaaaamiiiiiiiii," she whines.

I make some noise, but keep my mouth closed, like my mouth won't open.

"You are impossible," she huffs, scowling and making her way towards her dorm.

"When you decide to tell everyone I better be the goddamn first person to know!" She yells down the hall.

"Deal!!" I shout after her.

I pop through the doorway of my dorm and quickly change into the light grey shirt that I sleep in, before hopping into bed and sighing with contentment.

Today everything just went right.

Shinso's pov

I'm pacing around my bedroom. I can't stop. It must be nearing 11 o'clock, but I can't sleep. I asked Kami out on a date and he said yes. I wasn't expecting that.

But where am I supposed to take him? I've never been on a date before, and from the few dates I've seen on tv and movies, they always go to like cafes or fairs or fancy restaurants or something.

And I'm insanely socially awkward. I can't even talk to a stranger, let alone order from them, or try to buy tickets.

Even just being around crowds makes me uncomfortable.

My legs are getting tired so I flop face first onto my bed and groan loudly into my pillow.

I would probably take him on a date at night, it's always better at night.

But all the places you take a person on a date at night are crowded places.

I roll onto my back while I think.

What if I took him a day-date place but at night? That might be good.

We could probably go to the movies, but I feel like a movie date is a bit boring, you just kinda sit and watch the movie instead of talking to your date.

Maybe like a picnic? But a picnic at night is a bit weird. And it would be awkward to set up and put away in the darkness.

What about the beach? I could take him to the beach just before sunset, then we could hang out on the sand as it gets dark.

We could even go for a swim. The beach near us has nearly no waves, so it would be really calm and flat water.

I grin to myself and begin to get excited.

This is going to be fun.

We probably shouldn't do it tomorrow, cause it's a Thursday, but Friday would be good. I could even take him to my dorm afterwards.

I grin to myself and reach for my phone.

Shin: Date is Friday, be ready by 6pm. Being something you can swim in.
Delivered 11:13pm

I know he won't open it until morning, he's usually asleep by now.

Speaking of which, if he were awake, he'd tell me to go to sleep.

I decide to listen to the imaginary Kami in my head, so I put my phone down next the bed and roll to face the other side.

I'm so exhausted I fall straight asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, and it took longer that usual. I didn't really have any motivation to do chapters in the last few days. But then I went on to Wattpad, and I had a whole bunch of notifications with all you guys' comments and they're so sweet and made me so happy 🥺. It really gave me the motivation to do a chapter right now instead of later. I love all of you guys, you really make my day.

Next chapter is the date! Also angsty todoroki because w h y n o t.
I'm still deciding whether or not to give todoroki a happy ending or not, because it doesn't affect the main plot either way.

I'll figure it out.

Love you all, bye!

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