The rest of the date

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Kaminari's pov

If you'd asked me a year ago how I'd feel about making out with another guy on the beach, I would've just laughed at you. Probably called you an idiot or something.

Heck you could've asked me a month ago and you would have gotten the same response.

But here I am, making out with the hottest guy I've ever met, and enjoying it.

The sun's setting behind him, meaning his purple-tinted silhouette is outlined with a shining gold.

I grin into the kiss, feeling giddy with how lucky I am.

I lick his lip to ask for entrance into his mouth. He grunts in surprise before pulling back.

"What was that?!" He says looking panicked. I keep forgetting that he's never done any of this before.

"It's uhh..." I try to figure out how to explain it. "It doesn't matter, we don't have to if you don't want to." I sigh

I'm the type of guy that girls come to just to have some fun. A couple of dates, some making out, all the rest. Nothing lasting, nothing real, just a good time.

I have no experience with people with no experience.

"Well um... I don't mind it just surprised me..." he mumbles. Well as long as he consents.

"Ok then I'll show you," I say, grinning. I put my arms back around his neck, and he puts his arms back on my back.

"So I'm going to kiss you, and whatever I do, just go along with it ok? If you don't like it then pull away like you did before," I make sure that he knows he has the option. He nods, and I lean in again.

This time, when our lips press together, I poke my tongue through his lips, and his eyes widen for a second before letting me in.

And then it works. And damn he tastes good. I lean in further, and while our chests are touching, I can feel his heart hammering in his chest. The only sounds are the splashing of the waves on the shore.

After a minute or two, I pull away and grin at the blush that's covering Shin's face.

"Was that ok?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

Not a 'no' shake of the head, more shaking his head to disperse a thought.

"Yeah. That was good." He whispers, still looking a little dazed. Then the wind blows and I shiver.

"Alright, that's enough swimming I'm cold now," I say, grabbing his hand and beginning to drag him out of the water. He laughs.

"We only just got in!" He exclaims.

"Yeah. And I'm cold now. Plus it's dark, we should just dry off and sit on the shore for a bit."

"Ok, that sounds good," he agrees. We get to the beach, picking up the towels we dropped before. Then we lay down on the sand.

"You know what I like about the area around UA?" Shinso says.

"What," I respond.

"There's no light pollution, so you can always see the stars." I look at the sky and notice the stars that he's talking about. There are so many.

"That's such a lonely thing to say," I laugh. He's silent for a second.

"When I was younger, I used to pray to every god that I could find that name of that I would get a better quirk. When all of them failed me, I guess I just took comfort at watching the stars."

It really hurts me that Shinso had no friends as a kid. I can't imagine how I would have turned out if I was in the same situation.

"Do you know any constellations?" I ask him, and he nods.

"That one there is Scorpio," he says, pointing up into the sky. "It kind of goes like this," he wiggles his hand around in a bit of a capital J. "Orion's belt, Aquarius, he jewellery box," he keeps pointing in different directions. He keeps listing them off, every now and again telling me stories about the constellations.

"That bright one over there is actually Mars," he says.

"Really?! But it looks like a star!" I say, looking a the little speck in the sky.

"That's just the sun's light reflecting off it. But it's brighter because it's so much closer to Earth that any of the actual stars."

"That's pretty cool," I say, "but you know what's even cooler?" I continue.

"What?" He questions.

"That you took me on this date. Thanks Shin," I say, rolling to put my head on his chest.

"Call me Hitoshi," he says, running his fingers through my hair.

"Only if you call me Denki," I respond.

"Ok." I smile into his chest.

We lie there for a good while, and god knows how long has passed before Shinso starts to get up.

"We should get going if we don't want to get caught slipping curfew," he says, standing up and brushing the sand off of him, and pulling me up too, before putting his shirt back on. Though he would've been fine leaving it off.

"Do we have tooooo?" I whine. He rolls his eyes.

"Yes, we cant stay out here forever Kam-Denki."

"But I want toooooooo," I whine again.

"What about your friends?" He asks.

"Don't need 'em. All I need is you Toshiiiiiii." He laughs, but continues to walk up the path, holding his towel and shoes under his arm.

"Ok how about this then. I need sleep, and I want to be sleeping in a bed." The damn traitor used my own campaign to stop me. I sigh dramatically.

"Ok then, I guess I can allow it. But you have to let me stay the night." I turn and grin at him, and he smiles back at me.

"Sure. But if you steal the blanket I'm kicking you out."

"That's a little harsh don't you think?"

"I think it's a completely justifiable action."

"I don't."

"Too bad."

"You're a terrible person."

"Your fault for falling for me I guess."

"Got me there," I sigh, as we walk down the footpath on the side of the road.

And then it starts to rain. We're dry by now, so it's an unwelcome surprise to both of us. We hold our towels over our heads and start running towards the dorms, laughing and shouting and shushing each other. We turn around the corner of the gate and almost ran straight into Aizawa.

"And where have you two been?" He asks sternly, looking between the two of us.

"You never saw us, we were never missing, go to sleep," Shinso says from beside me, grabbing my arm and dragging me straight past Aizawa.

"What was that?!" I try to stifle my laughter.

"My quirk. It comes in handy sometimes you know." He looks pretty proud of himself.

We run up the stairs as quietly as possible.

"It comes in handy a lot of the time," I say, getting to the top of the stairs and kissing him on the forehead, making him flush bright red.

We continue running to his dorm, where I launch onto the bed and snuggle into the doona.

"This is my side," I declare, hiding under the blanket.

"Haha ok," Shinso says, closing the door and turning off the lights, crawling into the bed next to me.

I turn around and curl up against him, sighing contently while absorbing his warmth.

I fall asleep immediately.

~kiribaku next chapter~
I hope you like the rest of their date.
I'm tired.
I'm wanna go to bed but I have to work on English.
Writing stuff that is nearly as fun or rewarding as this.
But then I'll sleep.
Love you all!!

Shinkami - think I'm into youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang