Mouse the cat

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This chapter contains homophobic slurs, so if you aren't comfortable with that, don't read it (sorry)

Kaminari's pov

"Is this is?" I ask Mina, when she stops in front of a small cafe.

"Yup! Let's go in!"

The cafe looks nice enough, kind of old and rustic, which is cute.

We walk inside and are met with the small murmur of chatter. I look around and yes, there are old people, but there are a range of other ages as well. Even a mother and a 6 year old child. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding. The conversation earlier definitely got to me more that I would have liked it to.

I continue to gaze around the shop as the waitress walks over to us.

"Do you have a booking?" She asks, and Mina steps up.

"Yes, Ashido for 11:30am?" The waitress checks her clipboard before nodding and guiding us through the tables.

There are cats everywhere. I've never been to a cat cafe before, but I assumed it would be a small corner cafe with 3 or 4 cats, but here I would say there are over 20 cats.

We sit down, and I pick one of the cats up. It's white as snow, and more fur than cat. Then it hisses at me, and I hand it to Mina.

"This one's for Bakugo. It reminds me of him." Mina takes it and plops it onto Bakugo's lap, where it settles down and starts to purr.

"Hey Kat, it likes you!" Kiri states.

"Tch," he says, but he actually looks pretty pleased with himself. He starts to stroke the cat while the waitress takes our order. Instead of paying attention, I read her name badge. Sarah, it says. She looks like a Sarah.

I pick up another cat off the floor, a tabby this time, and put it on my own lap. It has a collar on it, which says Chaos.

"I kin this cat," I state, lifting it up in the air.

"Why?" Kiri laughs.

"It's called Chaos," I explain matter-of-factly.

Everyone except Bakugo laughs.

"Oh come on Bakugo, lighten up a little. Have some fun!" He shoots me a glare, but continues to pet his own cat, which is snoozing peacefully.

"What's the deal with this place anyway?" I ask Mina. "Where do all the cats come from?"

"It's also a cat haven" she explains, "you can adopt almost all the cats here, they're just staying here until they find a family."

"Ooh! That makes sense," I nod.

I'm about to start talking about something else, when I catch someone's eye from across the room.


What's he doing here?!

I look away immediately, but I know he's already seen me.

"Denki!" My grandfather calls. "How are you lad?" He shuffles over to me, and my quirk kicks in, covering my skin with crackles of electricity.

"Woah there! Don't want to kill someone else now do we?"

"I've never killed anyone," I grit through my teeth.

"Yeah, Yeah. Who's this?" He asks, nodding towards Hitoshi and everyone else.

"These are my... friends," I say vaguely.

He stares at me for a second.

"That school hasn't turned you fag has it?"

I don't respond. I stare him in the eyes. The waitress comes over.

"Excuse me sir, do you two have a problem?" She asks sweetly.

"I don't know this man and he's coming up to me and insulting me and my friends," I say, deadpanned expression.

"This boy is my grandson and he's going out with another man! Disgusting!" He spits. The waitress is clearly getting uncomfortable.

"Sir if you could please-"

"I'm not doing anything wrong! It's this BOY who's sinning against God! He's going to rot in hell! Imagine that! My own bloodline ending up in hell. It's bad enough that he already killed his father! He's going to-"

By now, another waitress had brought out the manager, who used his quirk to paralyse him and then dragged him out of the shop.

"I'm really sorry!" The waitress squeals. "You guys can have your order for free for the trouble. Sorry for your troubles!" She bows and hurries away.

"What was that all about?" Kiri asks.

I groan. It feels like trouble just likes to follow me around.

"That's my grandpa, on my dads side. He's extremely religious, sorry about that." I literally hate him so much.

"What does he mean when he says you killed your father? I thought you said he drank too much?"

"He did. The only reason why he was out there with the money for booze was because we sent him out to buy a new toaster, after I broke it with my quirk. Guess in his eyes, that makes it my fault." I shrug. It stopped bothering me a long time ago.

"It doesn't matter though. He's just annoying, and whenever I see him, he tries to press his religious teachings on me. And I don't see him often, since my mum hates him."

I shrug again, and thankfully everyone drops the subject.

"Ei, can we keep him?" I hear Bakugo mumble from across the table. He's still holding the white cat that hissed at me, and I just realise he's been silent this whole time. Just patting the cat.

"I don't know Kats, in the dorm, I don't think Mr Aizawa will allow it."

Nope. Bakugo has been calm this entire time, we are not just giving that away.

"Toshi, call Mr Aizawa."


"Just do it."

"Why me?"

"He likes you and will most likely say yes if you explain it."

He looks at me, then Bakugo.

"And why should I help him?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Becaaaaaaause," I whine, "that's what friends doooooooo."

He hesitates.


He gets his phone out and dials Mr Aizawa.

"Hey Mr Aizawa... Bakugo wants to bring a cat into the dorms... he likes it... it's kinda creepy... he's been silent for like a whole 10 minutes without supervision... really?... ok cool... see you tomorrow at class... bye."

We all look at him expectantly.

"He said yes," he shrugs.

"Really?!" I exclaim. He nods.

"But he says that if it gets hit by a car, he's not responsible for it."

"I'm gonna call it Lord Explosion Murder." Bakugo announces.

A moment of silence.

"How about we just call him Mouse, that's a cute name," Kirishima suggests. Bakugo scowls.


Hehe two chapters in one day. Not to bad if I say so myself.

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