Truth or dare

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Kaminaris pov

We walk into the cafeteria, and as soon as I see the bakusquad, I feel a turning in my stomach. Not the light, fluttery feeling I get around Shin, but a heavy, sickening feeling.

They look fine without me. Happy. I knew it, they don't even like me. I turn around and try to walk out of the cafeteria again, but Shin grabs onto my blazer and stops me.

"Come on Kami... if it's that bad I'll go with you to sit somewhere else ok?"

I look at my feet and nod. The feeling in my stomach doesn't go away.

As we walk towards the table, I don't look anyone in the eye, basically hiding behind Shin.

"Uh... hey guys," I say as I sit down next to Shin, who's sitting next to Kirishima. I finally look up at them, and see that their faces are covered in worry.

The table is silent, and the pit in my stomach falls even more. I'm about to get up and drag Shin behind me when I hear a loud bang from beneath the table, and Sero winces.

"Uh, denki..." he says, looking at the table.

Here it comes. He's gonna say that he doesn't think I belong in this group anymore. That they never really liked me that much, I should go find some other friends.

"I'm sorry."

I look up in surprise.

"We really messed up, I really messed up, and I never meant to make you upset, I never thought that..."

Mina speaks up next.

"We never thought that what we said would hurt you. You never really told us about it so we didn't know it existed."

"We're not saying that it's you're fault," jirou says last, "But from now on could you, you know, talk to us about your feelings a bit more?"

"It doesn't even have to be us," Sero says, "you could talk to Shinso for all we care but just tell someone about how you're feeling. It's important to us that you're happy."

The heavy weight in my stomach finally lifts, and I smile through the tears that are threatening to appear.

"Thanks guys," I whisper, "it really means a lot to me."

They smile back. I glance to my right, where Shin is, and he's smiling at me. I look away immediately. Now is not a great time to be thinking about that particular problem of mine.

"Ok so I was thinking..." Mina says hesitantly, obviously not sure if it's the right time.


"Truth or Dare at my dorm?" She grins expectantly.

"Minaaaaa," I whine, "we played that like two days agooo."

"I know! But this time we have a new friend to add!" She gives Shinso a look.

I turn to Shin and his face is literally lit up with delight. He's full on grinning. It's the most excited I've ever seen him.

"Have you never played truth or dare before Shin?" I ask jokingly. I don't expect his face to fall.

"I've never really had any friends to play it with..." he says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Could we please play? It sounds fun..." the childlike joy on his face literally melts my heart. How can I say no to that?

"Fine," I grumble.

"But no alcohol this time," I add in a whisper, not wanting the nearby groups to hear.

Mina looks at me curiously.

"Why not? You promised you'd be more honest with us, we promised we'd pick up on more. Could you tell us why."

My heart beats faster, and it has nothing to do with Shinso.

"I... Uh... um..." I stutter. I wasn't expecting anyone to pick up on it.

"It's ok Kami, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. We won't have the alcohol either way." She says hurriedly.

"No, it's ok," i mumble, "just maybe not here. Not now. I'm not... I'm not ready."

She nods and I let out a sigh of relieve.

"You shitty extras need to stop being so sad and lighten up a little. I'll buy us all chips if you stop making the atmosphere sad," Bakugo grumbles.

"You're the one who kicked my under the table," Sero argues.

"Yeah cause you'd never actually fix it of your own accord. Your all fucking wimps. Now it's fixed. Move on."

I'm not sure whether that was him being nice or rude.

I grin at him, not really caring.

"This better?" I ask, pointing to my grin. He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah whatever."

The group laughs. It's good to be laughing with them again.

Time skip brought to you by deku and ururakas relationship (rip todoroki)

Shinso's pov

I'm walking up to Mina's dorm to play truth or dare when I run into todoroki. He's just sitting on the stairs, staring off into the distance.

"Hey todoroki, are you ok?" I ask. He focuses his vision onto me.

"Yeah... I guess." It's so hard to tell what he's thinking with his blank face all the time. It reminds me of how I act when Kaminaris not around.

It's really ducking annoying.

"You sure?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

He looks at me for a second. Then he sighs.

"Have you ever loved someone Shinso?" He asks quietly. There's one person to immediately pops into my head.

"Yeah. I have."

"Do you know what it's like when they could never love you back?" His gaze drifts back to the back of the stairs, then up to the ceiling.

"When no matter how hard you pray to the stars, the gods, the universe, to fate itself, they could never love you the way you love them. Even if they wanted to, even if they tried." Emotions start to slip past his blank slate as tears form in his eyes. He looks back at me.

"You understand don't you?" I gaze down at him, and suddenly I understand.

"Midoriya," I state simply. He nods.

"I do understand," I say. Then I offer my hand.

"It's ok to be upset about it. But the best thing you can do is be there for him. It'll hurt, but it'll be worth it in the end. Good friends aren't worth losing."

He takes my hand silently, and stands up. Then he nods.

"Thank you Shinso," he says, before making his way down the stairs. I watch him for a second, before continuing my way up.

He'll be ok. It hurts a lot at the time. I've had crushes before. You pretend you have a chance for a while, no matter how unlikely it could be. But the moment it hits you, it hurts a lot.

I've never had a chance with anyone. When everyone sees you as a villain and you don't even have friends, the hope is short lived, but so is the pain.

I can't imagine how much it's going to hurt when I get to that point with Kaminari.

It's coming >:)

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