What i like about you

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Shinso's pov

It's been a week since the Bakusquad found out about me and Denki dating. We're currently just lounging around in the lobby after school. Denki is leaning on my lap with his legs over the arm of the couch, and I'm trying to explain to him how the solar system works, but he's not really paying attention.

"Toshiiiiiiii," he whines, "this is boring can we do something eeeeeeelse."

I sigh, and start to stand up, but he grabs my shoulder and pulls me back down.

"I thought you wanted to do something else?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you need to leave..." he mumbles.

"Haha, fine," I laugh, and rest my arm over his torso. I'm about to turn on the tv when Kirishima and Bakugo come in through the main entrance. Bakugo is laughing about something.

And he's smiling.

Not that creepy, manic grin that he wears when he's winning a fight, but a genuine, wholesome, smile. Teeth and all.

"What the fuck?!?!" I say quietly, so that only Denki hears.

"What, what is it?" He asks, bending his neck to look up at me.

"Look," I say, pointing to Kirishima and Bakugo. He sits up and looks.

"Kiri what did you do!?" He yells out, catching Kirishima's attention.

"What do you mean?" He says, walking towards us.

"I think you broke Bakugo," I say to him. He just laughs.

"What do you mean? Kats is perfect just the way he is," he says while slinging his arm over Bakugo's shoulder.

Bakugo's face blossoms with colour, and although he's not smiling as widely as before, there's still a ghost of a smile. He still looks really happy.

"Whatever shitty hair," he says, nudging him with his shoulder.

"You know what Toshi? I think we should leave before one of us dies." He grabs my hand and drags me off the couch.


"There it is," I comment, racing after Denki before one of us actually does die.

We run up a flight of stairs and hide in the stairwell. Denki motions for me to stay quiet, putting his finger in front of his lips.


Some muffled sounds of Kiri speaking.


A laugh from Kiri, and some more of him talking.

"I feel like your mocking me," Bakugo says, still loud, but not yelling anymore.

Kirishima says something else.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I had fun too."

Kirishima talks again, but Bakugo cuts him off.


Denki snickers from beside me, then motions to keep going up the stairs, probably so that Bakugo doesn't catch us.

That really wouldn't be good.

"I think they went on a date," he concludes as we exit the stairwell onto my floor.

"Well duh. Bakugo looks weird when he's smiling. I don't think I ever want to see it again."

"Don't be like that Toshi! This is good! Maybe he'll start smiling around us too!" He grins.

"Hmm, I don't think that's how Bakugo works," I argue. He just shrugs.

"A man can hope."

I laugh and open the door to my dorm, letting him in first before closing it behind me.

"What do you want to do?" I ask, flopping onto the bed.

"Hmmmm cuddle," he says, flopping on top of top of me, winding me a little bit.

"But what I want to do and what I need to do are two very different things. Can we go over the science stuff again?"

I laugh.

"Were you even listening before?"

"I was tryingggggg," he whines, "but it's hard when all I can feel underneath my head are your abs. It's distractinggggggg."

"Well then next time you can sit upright. Come on let's get started," I wriggle our from underneath him, and open up my laptop to find the content. I log in and my screen displays some anime I was watching last night. Denki narrows his eyes at it.

"What did we say about anime when you should be sleeping," he says. I sigh.

"No anime after 10 o'clock I get it I get it. But I get distracted!" I say, using his own words against him.

"Whatever," he huffs at me.

Kaminari's pov

"Why do you like me? Like what made you originally have a crush on me," I ask about 2 hours later, having finished studying. We're lying down on the bed, and Hitoshi has his arm around my neck.

"Originally? Well to begin with it was kinda just a normal crush when someone really attractive is nice to you. It's kinda what I try to avoid, but I was too far in by then. Remember when I first helped you study science?"

I nod as I think back to that day. It's feels like ages ago.

"No but really, what do you like about me?" I turn to my side to look at him properly.

"Hmm well... your always really bright. And positive. Your always so upbeat and it brightens my day. And your super cheeky, which is really fun. And it's funny when you do something really stupid." He turns to look towards me.

"But my favourite part is you smile. Your grin has a way of just lighting up the room, and it's wonderful to watch you do something you love." I feel blood rush to my cheeks and a welcoming warm feeling makes it's way into my body.

"I'm not that great..." i murmur. "But anyway. What I like about you is that your really caring. Like, you shut heaps of people out, but once you let me in, you were super nice, helping me out with stuff, and comforting be when I was upset, and mostly just being there for me." I glance up at him, and he's watching me closely.

"But I really like it when you smile as well. I used to make it my goal to make you smile, and it made me feel pretty special that I was the only one that could make you smile. I'd get kind jealous of other people who made you smile if I'm really being honest."

"You... like my smiles?" He asks, almost confused.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

"I... when I was younger, I taught myself to stop smiling... people used to say it was scary, because I was a villain and was planning on hurting someone."

I look at his sad gaze.

"Well I think your smile is beautiful."

Oof that took like 3 days. Sorry 😐.
Next chapter is the final chapter! I'm kinda sad that it's ending ngl. But I'm excited to write a new book with a new plot and a new ship, so you give some you get some.
Love you all!

Shinkami - think I'm into youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें