Bakugou is... WHAT?!

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Kaminaris pov

Classes pass quickly, too quickly if you ask me. I feel like all the information just goes in one ear and out the other.

But schools over now, and I'm about to head to my dorm to see if I can remember a single thing from today through study when Mina comes screeching up to me.


"Yeah Mina what is it?"

"We're having a sleep over at my dorm be there at six!"

"Who's we?" I ask suspiciously. I don't know if I'd say no depending on who's there, but you can never be too sure.

"You, me, kiri, sero, jirou and bakubabe."

"And bakugous already agreed?"

"No," she grins "but he will."

She has her ways, so I have no doubt that he'll end up coming.

"Ok I'll see you there then." I salute to her with two fingers and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"See ya!" She rushes off, probably to tell Kirishima or Bakugou.

As I make my way to the dorms I run through all the subjects I need to study.

"So we have maths, but I have kiri to help with that, and he has help from bakugou, so I'll leave that for when he comes over tomorrow, we also had science and god knows what that's about, I still don't get levers and pulleys. There's also English, which I know I can get eventually it just takes a lot of repetition and then-"

"You literally sound like midoriya mumbling on like that."

I jump and turn around, and see shinso. He still has a deadpanned look on his face, but I could swear I saw a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

"Hehe sorry," I say, scratching behind my head nervously, "I'm just really prone to forgetting things so I run through them all to remember to do them."

"I can help you with science if you want," he says, and my eyes light up.

"Really! That would be awesome thanks! I still struggle with the things we learnt like two years ago so nothing makes sense anymore."

"Yeah sure, I don't need to study much anyway."

I grin at him, and he gives a small smile in return.

"Come on, we can walk together!" I grab his wrist to drag him beside me, letting it go when we start walking.

Shinsos pov

Well shit. This is exactly why I didn't want friends.

When he grabbed my wrist my heart skipped a beat. It skipped a beat.

So yay. I'm falling for probably the straightest boy in the class. But it's too much of a thrill to be near him, and I don't think I could intentionally make him upset by ignoring him at this point.

So here we go.

Kaminaris pov

We get to my dorm around four-ish, and there are no formalities, we get right into it.

"So if you put it closer to the centre, it gets lighter?"

"No, it's just easier to lift. It still weighs the same."

But surprisingly it's fun to hang around him, and I'm a little upset when he has to leave at five.

"I have to organise my dorm and stuff, I didn't really do it properly yesterday," he says with a chuckle.

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