Chapter 26

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I wake up from the sun shinning in my eyes. I roll over to see Blake still sleeping. I go into the bathroom and use the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I sit back down on the bed opening my phone. Blake rolls over looking at me. "Hi," I say. "Hi," he says in his deep morning voice. I smile. He gets out of bed stretching.

"Wanna take a bath with me," he asks. "Ugh sure why not," I say getting up. Blake turns on the shower taking of his pants.

He walks to where I'm standing and lifts his shirt off.  I put my hair into a bun. QI slide mine of stepping into the bath.

He sits behind me with my back to his chest. I tuck some of the hair that fell out of my bun behind me ear.

Blake kisses my shoulder. "This bathtub is huge," I mumble. "Yeah it is," he says. I sigh in content leaning farther back into Blake. Blake places his hands on my stomach sending shivers down my spine.

I smile as he kisses my neck. "So what's your plans for today," he asks. "I don't really know, I'll proably call Kenzie and see if she wants to hang. What about you," I ask."I don't really know," he says.

An hour later

I am standing on the balcony in Blake's shirt. Blake comes out standing behind me. "So what are you doing," he asks. "Looking at the view," I say "how about you."

One of his hands that were around my waist goes lower down my stomach. He kisses behind my ear. I laugh leaning my head back.

He pulls my shirt up hooking his hands on my panties. He looks down asking for permission. I nod as he lets my underwear slid down my legs

I turn around and pull down his sweat pants and boxers. He grabs my waist picking me up and pushing my back against the wall. He slams in without warning making me moan.

I pant laying my head on Blake's shoulder. He steps back setting me down.

Three hours later

I knock on Kenzie's door. Chase answer allowing me in. Kenzie is sitting on the couch. "Hey," I say plowing down on the other side of the couch.

"Hey," she says. "What are you up to," I ask. "Nothing much just folding cloths," she says "how about you."

"Nothing much really," I say. "You seem happy," she says. "I am," I say. "What you do," she asks. "What do you mean," I say laughing.

"I haven't seen you this glowy in forever," she says. "Okay," I say. "So what did you do," she asks again. "Well I didn't do anything," I say.

"Are you pregnant," she asks. "Uh no," I say. "You and Blake had sex," she says. "Yeah," I say nodding my head.

I spend most of the rest of the day with Kenzie. I head home in time for dinner. We are having pizza.

Blake kisses my four head grabbing a piece of pizza. "Can I make a suggestion," Blake says sitting down in front of me.

"Yeah," I say taking another bite out of my pizza. "I think you should go on birth control. Condoms break when you actually use them. I'm not ready to be a dad. I mean if I had to I would but we should both be ready. In the end it's your body it's your choice," he says.

I nod "okay." "Okay." He says confused. "I'll talk to a doctor," I say.

After dinner we decide to watch a movie. Blake puts in the first fast and furious as I sit on the couch. Blake lays down cuddling me to his chest.

He plays the movie and that how we spend the rest of our evening.

Six years later

Today's the day I say I do to the love of my life. I promise myself to this man for the rest of my life. I will carry our children. I will love him till death do us part.

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