Chapter 5 cookies

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Blake's POV

I get in my car shutting the door and start it up. I drive to the hand wear house. Stupid fucking people keep fucking shut up and I have to fix it.

For some reason I can't get Aubrey of my mind she is so beautiful. I'm a gang leader I kill people and I just called someone beautiful what is happening to me.

I go straight to my office seeing what need to be fixed and Fix it before calling a meeting.

"Okay listen up you if you keep fucking shit up your gonna regret it. This is the second time I've had to come fix one of your fucking mistakes I won't do it again," I yell.

A bunch of yes boss course threw the room. "Who the fuck smells like a girl," one of the men yell in the front. No there is no women I my gang. Only two have tried to entire but couldn't make it throw the last challenge. If they had they would be.

I roll my eyes starting to leave. "Boss why the fuck you smell like a girl," the same guy says. I turn around and glare at him. "I don't smell like a girl and if I did what I do isn't your fucking business," I say going back to my office.

I smell my shirt and sure enough I smell like Aubrey. My phone vibrates. I pick it up quickly hopping it's Aubrey but it's Chase.

"I asked Kenzie to move in with me," the text read.
"Huh," I say.
"She needs to away from Aubrey apartment cause of her ex so I told her she could stay with me and Emma,"
"What did she say,"
"She said she couldn't intrude like that,"
"I spent twenty minutes telling her it wouldn't and she said she's think about it,"
"You like her,"

I don't care if he does or not. I'm glade his finally becoming happy again. After my sister killed her self the only time he was happy was for Emma it was hell. He's a lot happier now and I think Kenzie makes her happy.

My phone vibrates again. It's my dad unfortunately not Aubrey.

After two hours I leave going to Aubreys place. I get there and knock but she doesn't answer. I twist the door and see it's unlocked I look around and don't see her on the couch or in the kitchen she must be in her bedroom.

I see her asleep on her bed. I slid of my shoes and lay down pulling her too my chest and closing my eyes.

Aubreys POV

I wake up pressed with my back against someone's chest and there arm over my waist. I look behind me and see Blake peacefully sleeping I cuddle deeper into him before closing my eyes again.

I wake up a couple hours later to Blake running his hands threw my hair. I groan shoving my face deeper into my pillow. Blake chuckles and wraps his arm back around me.

"Wanna stay at my place again," he asks looking into my face. "Sure," I say getting up.

Did I pack clothes no I didn't I left most of my stuff at his house anyway. I didn't do it on purpose I just sorta forgot about it.

I get up adjusting the leggings and large shirt I am wearing. I grab my phone and we head to his house. Once we reach his house we decided to make some cookies. I wash some flour of my hands flicking water on Blake.

He playfully glares at me wetting his hands and flicking it on me. I stick my tongue out at him putting the cookies into the oven.

My back is pushed against the counter. I look up to see Blake looking down at me. He puts his hands on both sides of me.

I smile poking his nose with my finger. He leans closer "your so beautiful princess," he whispers out faces a couple inches away from my face.

"Thank you," I say. He puts the hair in my face behind my ear leaning closer. Our noses are touching. His thin strokes my cheek softly.

"It smells like cookies," someone yells entering the kitchen. Blake backs away groaning I blush.

I pull the last pan of cookies out of the oven and start washing the dishes. I dry my hands pulling my hair into a pony tail. I head upstairs to Blakes room. He had something important to do in the middle of making cookies.

I go into his closet and pull of my shirt and bra grabbing one of Blake hoodies. I thought I heard the closet door open but when I turned around it was closed. I slide my pants down my legs putting on the pair of shorts I left over here last time.

I open the closet to see Blake leaning against the wall next to the door. "I'm sorry princess I didn't know you were in there," he says. "Huh," I say confused.

"I open the door but don't worry all I saw was your back," he says. "It okay," I say. I really don't care it just a back it's not like he saw my boobs. He goes into the closet and I lay down on the bed under the covers.

He comes out wearing sweatpants. No shirt my eyes scan every inch of his exposed upper half he has a six pack. I meet his gaze and see him smirking. He lays down next to me.

"What do you want for dinner," he asks I glance at the clock on his side table and see it's 7:36. "I don't know," I mumble.

We decided to eat at Tinkers. Blake open the diner so letting me in first we enter a small booth sitting down across from each other.

I take a sip of my menu trying to decide what I want to eat. "So princess I got a question," Blake say. I raise my eye brow taking another sip. "Did you put on a bra," he asks. I choke on my drink violently coughing.

I get a couple strange looks as Blake pats my back. I glare at him "really," I say. "Yes princess I wanna know," he says "or you could let my imagination run wild," he looks from my eyes to my chest.

"Yes you saw me go into the closet," I say. "What can I get you to eat," the waiter asks.

"I'll be right back princess," Blake says getting up. The waitress places the bill on the table I quickly pay for it.

I hand it to the waitress right as Black comes back. He playfully glares at me "what was that princess," he says. "The bill," I say smiling at him.

A couple second later the waitress hands me my card and the receipt. "Princess," he whines. "Blake," I say matching his whiny tone making him roll his eyes. "Can we leave now please," I say ready to go to sleep. "Yeah come on," Blake says.

Once we get back to Blakes house he gets in the shower. I grab on of Blake's shirts and a pair of my underwear I really should have brought cloths. I realize I don't have an shorts and his sweatpants are gonna be to big.

"Is there a problem princess you've been staring at the wall," Blake asks. "Yeah I don't have any more clean shorts," I say. I'll just won't wear any his shirt is like a dress on me anyway.

I take a quick shower washing my body. I brush my teeth putting my hair into a buddy bun. I lay down next to Blake. He rolls over hovering over my body.

"Hi," I whisper. He leans down making our noses touch. "Can I kiss you," he whispers. I nod he attaches his lips to mine. I kiss back the best I can he is the first person I've ever kissed.

He runs his tongue over my lip and I part them. The only reason I know how to do that is because Kenzie told me about how she did with someone in high school.

He pulls away. "God your beautiful," he whispers kissing my four head. He lays next to me pulling me to his chest. I slowly drift to sleep.

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