Chapter 18

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It about 4:30 now. We are in the car going somewhere. I'm blindfolded which I don't like. The car stops. The car door opens and Blake grabs my hand.

I get out of the car holding onto him so I don't fall. He makes me face a certain way before standing behind me and taking of the blind fold.

I open my eyes and see a little picnic. There's a blanket with a basket. You can see the water and sunset perfectly.

I turn around hugging Blake. He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me. "Thank you," I say. "Anything for you princess," he says.

He leads me to the blanket sitting down. I sit down next to him. He hands me a cup.

I thank him taking the cup. We eat the food he packed before laying on our backs looking at the stars.

"What's your biggest fear," Blake asks looking at me. I shrug my shoulders "I've already told you," I say. "Your biggest fear was that I wouldn't like you naked or sex with you," he questions.

"Yeah and spiders," I tell him "what's yours." "Losing you," he says. "It scares me to," I say.

After a couple minutes he sits up. "It's time to go," he says standing up. I get up and start grabbing the stuff.

"It's okay princess I already have someone to clean it up," Blake says grabbing my hand. I nod. He opens the car door letting me get in.

We drive home in silence. I get out waiting by the door for Blake to unlock it. He unlocks the door letting me go in first.

I leave my shoes by the door before heading to our room. I grab one of Blake shirts. I pull my shirt and bra of putting his shirt on.

I unbutton my shorts and slide them down my legs. I pull my hair into a messy bun. Blake comes in the room.

He grabs some clothes before going into the bathroom. I lay down on top of the covers.

A couple minutes later Blake comes out shirtless. His hair is wet and he's drying it with a towel. He throws the towel in the bathroom.

He pulls the cover back laying next to me. I pull the cover from under me covering up with them. I roll on my side looking at Blake to see he is already looking at me

I scoot closer to him. He lean in kissing me. I kiss back rolling of my side to my back. Blake is above he. Eventually we both run out of air and pull away.

Black kisses down my jaw stopping at my neck. He licks it before sucking. He pulls back looking at my neck. He leans down kissing my lips.

He pulls away. "No sex," he says. I shake my head no. "That's okay," he says. I nod bitting the inside of my cheek.

Blake rolls of laying next to me. He wraps his arm around my waist putting his head in my neck.

Five days later

Blake and I got home yesterday. It was really fun even though my shoulders got sunburned. I'm currently in the kitchen backing cookies. I love to bake.

I put the cookies in the container. I walk to Blake's office. He's sitting at his desk. I shut the door behind me getting his attention.

"I made cookies," I say holding the container up. He smiles. I walk to his desk handing him the container. He pushes himself away from the desk. He sits up grabbing my waist looking up at me.

He pulls me down straddling his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder looking at him. "Tired Princess," he asks. I nod yawning.

I close my eyes falling asleep.

I wake up in our bed with Blake sleeping next to me. I roll out of bed looking at the clock it's. 4:23 p.m. I'm gonna go see Kenzie. I get my stuff heading to my car.

I drive to Kenzie's. I get out of my car. I knock on the door and Emma answers. "Aubrey," she squeals hugging my legs. I bent down picking her up and hugging her.

I put her down walking inside and shutting the door behind me. I walk into the living room to see Kenzie feeding Mia and chase sitting on the couch next to her. Staring at her.

It's a little creepy. "Hello," I say ploping down on the couch. "Hey," chase says not looking away from Kenzie.

His phone rings he answers talks for a minute then hangs up. He stands up kisses Kenzie's and Miss heads. He tells Emma bye and gives her a hug before leaving.

She finishes feeding Mia and burps her. I take her rocking her to sleep. "So how was the vacation," she asks.

"Good it was fun," I say. "I'm glade," she says. "What you guys do," she asks. "Swim had a picnic went on his boat swam even more got sunburnt ate some really good food," I tell her.

"And," she questions raising her eyebrow. "And what," I ask. "Your so boring," she says "sexual intercorse."

"What's that," Emma asks entering the room. "A grown up game," Kenzie says. I laugh yeah a grown up game.

She look at me raising her eyebrow again. "No," I say. She rolls her eyes. "So what was wrong with you that day you called," she asks. "Nothing important Blake and I talked about it," I say.

"While playing your adult game," Emma asks. "I glare at Kenzie how do I answer that. "No questions about the adult game," Kenzie says.

"We did not play the adult game," I tell Kenzie she laughs rolling her eyes. "You should it's a very fun game," she says winking at me.

"I mean I've thought about it," I say. "Really little miss innocent finally giving it up," Kenzie says teasing me.

"Giving what up," Emma asks. I rub my four head. "Nothing," Kenzie says. "Yes but it's not that big of a deal," I say.

"Losing that is a big deal," she says "for you." "What's did Aunt Aubrey lose," Emma asks. "My phone," I say. "Oh I'll find it," she says rubbing out of the room.

"No it's just a thing it's gonna happen one day any way," I say.  "Your so scared your trying to make it not seem like a big deal," Kenzie says laughing. I hand Kenzie Mia.

The door opens and Blake and chase walk in. Emma runs in jumping onto Blake he catches her giving her a hug before setting her down.

"Guess what Blake," she says. "What," he says bending down. "Aunt Aubrey and Mommy Kenzie were talking about an adult game where she is gonna lose something," she says "and Kenzie said that it's a big deal and Aubrey said it's not. What's she losing. She also said Aubrey was giving up something,l."

My eyes widen and I look at Kenzie. "What the fuck," she mouths. "We could just hide," I whisper. "Can't ask questions if they don't know where we are."

She nods we get up leaving and going into the nursery locking the door quickly. I bust laughing. "Oh my god we are grown women hiding from our boyfriends," I say.

"And Emma who redheads everything you say," Kenzie ads. "When did she start calling you mommy Kenzie," I ask sitting down of the flour against the wall.

"A couple days ago she asked chase and he asked me. I was surprised he was okay with her calling me that," she says sitting next to me.

"Why," I ask. "I'm not her mom," she says shrugging her shoulders. "You kinda are though," I say "not blood but you take care of her and love her like a daughter."

Kenzie lays her head on my shoulder. There's a knock on the door. "What," Kenzie yells. "What Aubrey giving up and losing," Emma asks on the other side. Oh my god.

I stand up unlocking the door and pulling her inside and shutting and locking the door back. I crouch down to her height.

"I lose my chapsticks a lost so when we were in high school we made up a joke about me just giving them away," I tell her. "Ohhh I thought you were talking about sex," she says.

"She was," Chase says "owe bitch don't kick me." "I was you nasty," I yell.

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