Chapter 21

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I wake up the next day the same way I fell asleep. I smile feeling Blake's hot breath against my neck. One of our phones ring on the side table. I reach over grabbing Blake's phone. I had Blake his phone making him groan.

"I hate you sometimes Chase," he mumbles getting up. He walks into the closet and comes out a minute later all dressed in black.

He's tucking a gun into the holster on the waist band if his pants. He bends down pecking my lips. "I'll see you later princess I love you," he says. "I love you," I say.

I get out of bed and text Kenzie to come over. "Be there in ten," she responds. I change into a plane white shirt and some black shorts. I hear the front door open so I head downstairs.

"Where are Emma and Mia," I ask confused. "Mia is with my dad and Emma is with Logan and Louisa," she says sitting on the couch. I nod sitting in the other couch.

"So what's up," she asks. "'Nothing really what's up with you," I say. "Nothings up with me," she says. I nod "that's good."

Kenzie chuckles "just tell me Aubrey."  I nod "last night Blake fingered me," I say quickly. Kenzie looks at me wide eyed before squealing happily.

"Finally not as innocent," she mumbles to her self  "how was it." "Good," I say "it kinda pinched at first." "Yup happed to me to but it went away super fast," she says raising an eye brown. I nod.

"So uh do you just act like nothing happened. Are we suppose to talk about it," I ask. "You aren't necessarily supposed to prentend it didn't happen unless you regrets it," she says making me shake my head no. "Do you need or want to talk about it," she asks I shake my head no.

"It's okay Aubrey things aren't gonna change that much," she says making me confused. "He could do it again," she says.

I nod my head. "Do I ask him to do it again or does he ask to do it again," I asked. "Just let it happen Aubrey. If you want it to happen then you can ask. It will Proably make you uncomfortable," she says.

"I'm sure it will happen again soon," she says. "Why," I ask. "Your beautiful and he is madly in love with you. He doesn't want to keep his hands off you," she says smirking.

"So is that all you've guys have done. Has he eaten," she's cute of by the door opening and chase and Blake walking in.

Blake smiles at me walking over and kissing my four head before waking towards the kitchen. "No kenzi," I whisper answering the question she was asking.

"You gonna tell me when he does," she asks. "What makes you think he is gonna," I ask. She shrugs her shoulders smirking. "Chase has done it to me," she says. "I've done it to him."

"Done what to who," Chase asks entering the living room. "Nothing," Kenzie says smirking. Chase and Kenzie leave to spend alone time together before they get the kids back.  

Two weeks later

Blake had not touched me like that since that night we are on the way to Chase and Kenzie's for dinner. I am wearing a yellow sun dress.

Blake places his hand on my thigh rubbing it white his thumb. His hand gets a little higher before he puts it back wear it was before.

I place my hand on top of his sliding it up higher than it was before. He looks over asking me to confirm I want him to fingers me. I nod making him chuckle.

"Take of your panties," he says. I slide them off. "Keep your legs open," he says. I nod as he put his hand under my dress. He rubs my clit making me moan. My legs start to close I tried to stop them making Blake chuckle.

I open them again trying harder to keep them open. He rubs again and they close again. "Blake," I whine making him chuckle. "It's just your body reacting princess it's not your fault," he says stoping at a red light.

He leanes over opening the glove box  pulling out a pair of hand cuffs. He hand them to me taking of his belt. He leans over wrapping the belt around one of my feet tying it to a handle bar at the feet.

Why is there handle bars there I don't know but this is hot. He takes the hand cufs doing the same on the other side. The light turns green and he starts driving again.

"If your not comfortable we can wait till we are parked," he says. "That's Proably safest," I say knowing we are super close to there parking garage.

He parks the car and leans one of his hand on the center console. He puts his left hand under my dress locking eyes with me as he does.

He rubs my clit. I wrap my hand around his upper arm gripping it preparing my self. He enters two fingers making my moan and grip his arm harder.

He rubs my clit make my head tilt back and a moan to come out. He laces his hand with the one that was griping his arm squeezing it. "Does that feel good," Blake asks curing his fingers.

"Oh my god," I moan trying not to move around. "Does it," he asks curling his fingers and rubbing my clit. "Yes," I moan.

He thrusts harder making me squeeze my hands and my toes to curl. "Blake," I moan my back arching away from the seat.

"Yes princess," he asks curling his fingers. "I-I," I moan. "Come on princess tell me," he says thrusting faster.

I gasp moaning. "I'm gonna," he say but he cuts me of. "Not until I tell you," he says. I grip his hand squeezing my eyes shut moaning his name.

"Now princess cum for me," he whispers. My toes curl as I release onto his fingers. "Good girl," he whispers. I pant trying to catch my breath.

He pulls his fingers away sticking them in his mouth.  He leans down taking the belt from my ancle and the cufs from the other.

"Can we go home," I ask still panting slightly. "Anything you want gorgeous," he says typing something on his phone before starting the car and driving us home.

Once we get home I go upstairs chasing into one of Blake's shirts. I lay down next to Blake tired. "Thank you Blake," I whisper.

"What for princess," he asks. "Always making sure I'm comfortable," I say. "You deserve to be comfortable and pleasured," he says.

I smile "thank you." "Your welcome princess," he says massaging my head. I close my eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

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