H.C.B.T.O 33

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2 months

"Oh I have to go before I'm late" Sylvia said. We've been dating for 3 months and things have been good. I haven't made her my girl, but I am soon.

"What appointment are you always late for? " I asked. Every Monday through Thursday she has an appointment, but never tells me what for.

"Nothin babe. I'll see you later?" I nodded. She pecked my lips and rushed out to her 2014 Honda. I want to follow her and see where she goes but I have to trust her.

I pulled up to my house and checked the mailbox, expecting to see that familiar yellow envelope. I walked inside and opened it, looking at the pictures. 7 Months; Jayceon Terrell Taylor

Jayceon? I wanted him to be a junior.

I appreciate Sydney sending me pictures and keeping me updated but I want no I need to be with her. I need to be there for her and my son. I fuckin miss her.

I want to be able to rub her belly and talk to my son. I want to be able to rub her back and feet. I want to be there when she gives birth but I can't. Cause I fucked all that up.


"I'm Keenan" he said extending his hand. I smiled and shook it.

"I'm Sydney, thanks again for helping me. Those bags were heavy" I was out shopping for baby clothes. I was carrying all the bags to my car when Keenan offered to help. I was glad he did cause I almost passed out.

"No problem. Your boyfriend or husband should have been carrying them."

"I'm single" I said. He looked surprised.

"How is it, a beautiful women like you single? Not to mention you're pregnant" I chuckled.

"Thank you but it's complicated. But I have to go. It was nice meeting you Keenan" he gently grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Wait Sydney, can I get your number? Maybe we could go out some time" I took awhile to answer but eventually agreed. It's been awhile since I just went out and had fun.

I walked inside and was met with Drew and Hakeem standing at the door. They both had their arms crossed and was tapping their foot.

Did I mention I snuck out?

"H-hey y'all" I said nervously.

"Where were you?" Hakeem asked.

"I we-"

"Liar" Drew said interrupting me. He didn't even let me answer.

"You didn't let me answer" I said.

"Cause whatever you were going to say would have been a lie" Hakeem said. I nodded cause that's true. "You were at the mall. Now who was that nigga you were talking to?"

"Keenan. He helped me take the bags to the car. I went shopping for the baby" they nodded.

"Syd don't let that nigga get fucked up" Drew said.

"Cause I ain't been to jail in awhile but I ain't scared to go back" Hakeem said. I shook my head and walked towards the stairs. Keenon is barley a friend. I just met him, so they need to chill.


Jayceone is the babies name, yes I stole it from the Game...

I love how protective Hakeem is.. *sigh* so dreamy..

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

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