H.C.B.T.O 28

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Saturday: "The big day"


I sighed and continued to reload my gun. To be honest, I'm scared right now. I have a feeling something won't go right. I'm not sure why or what, but that's just the feeling I have.

My day started off bad this morning. I woke up with a slight headache and I threw up too. I hate throwing up.

Damian had all his boys come out to Cali with shit I never seen before. Hakeem text me and told me they were gearing up and were on their way.

"Baby, you ok?" Damian asked walking into the room.

"I'm fine" I said dryly. He walked up to me and grabbed my waist.

"Everything will be ok, I will personally make sure nothing happens to you. I can not have something to you again Syd. Trust me, you will be fine" I nodded. He kissed me softly and I deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight.

I felt tears running down my cheeks. I am honestly scared for my life. Last time, I nearly died. What if I actually die this time? What if the roles change and Damian gets hurt or dies?

He pulled away and looked at me and wiped my tears "Babe, look at me" I looked up at him. "I will die before I let something happen to you "

I shook my head " I don't want nothing to happen to you or me or anyone" my voice cracking.

"I can't promise you much but I promise you'll be safe" I nodded again. He kissed my lips softly again, then gunshots are heard from the front. I wiped my tears quickly and grabbed my gun "Ready?" he asked.

I nodded and we walked towards the noise.

Damian walked in front of me, and fired off 3 shots, hitting 3 niggas. I moved from behind him and shot at different niggas along with Damian.

I moved behind a wall and Damian moved behind the wall across from me. We both moved from behind the wall and shot at whoever we saw. 5 Down.

There were 3 niggas left in the room and Damian shot them down with no problem. We moved passed the room, then went into the lobby part of the trap where it was at least 70 niggas with Amir.

Damian went to the side where his niggas were firing off and I went to the side were my girls were firing off.

"Syd, Sam was hit" Talitha said. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Not another.

"Where? "

"In her shoulder but she still goin. I told her to sit back but she said no" I nodded and continued shooting. I pulled out my favorite gun and started blastin niggas like it was a hobby.

"Hold the fuck up" I heard Amir yell. He in my trap and think he run shit? Wrong, I kept shooting at his boys knocking 8 down. "Bitch stop shootin" Amir yelled.

"Don't talk to her like that nigga" Damian said. Amir chuckled and turned his attention back to me.

"All I want is Lee back, and we'll leave" I shook my head.

"No not happening" I said before the shooting 3 more of his boys.

Amir sighed and punched the wall "Where the fuck is Lee?" he yelled. I laughed and decided to play a game.

"Amir just chill, she dead. She said she wouldn't say shit so kill her and I did. But not so quick, unexpectedly can trust me when I say she suffered" I laughed. Amir cocked his gun and started firing at me. Good thing I didn't move from my spot while talkin shit or I would have been dead.

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