H.C.B.T.O 40

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"Girl, calm down. You're sweating your make-up off" Tina said, wiping off my forehead with a napkin. To say I'm nervous is an understatement.

"Ok, sorry. Stephanie get me some water please."

She passed me some water and I gulped it all down. I control my breathing then a small knock is heard at the door. "No men allowed" Audrey yelled, walking to the door. Pulling it open, Jayceon comes running in and over to me.

"Mama" he said, smiling up at me with a piece of paper in his hand. I took it from him and opened it:

I love you so much baby and I can't wait until we are officially married


I smiled and layed the note on the table, then picked up my son. "Whoa, mamas baby big huh?"

He did his famous loud scream/laugh "I know baby"I smiled and kissed his forehead.

Today is my wedding day and everything is going perfect. After Damian and I made love, he asked if I was ready to marry him. I answered honestly and said yes, but didn't want the wedding to be so soon. So we planned the wedding and a year later, here we are.

I'm finally gonna marry Damian. My first true love, my first real boyfriend, my first everything.

"Ok Syd, it's show time" Stephanie smiled. I put Jayceon down and looked in the mirror one last time before grabbing my son's hand and walking out the room.

**Sydney stood confidently, as she locked eyes with her man. The music played and she slowly started making her way down the aisle. Tears filled her eyes as she thought of everything her and Damian have been through. To make it to this moment, finally, feels like a dream. And neither of them want to wake up.

Placing a hand on her baby belly, Damian smiled at the sight. His wife, walking down the aisle carrying his daughter while his son stood beside him.

Sydney and Damian stood in front of each other, looking in each others eyes. The pastor spoke, but neither of them listened.They were to lost in each others eyes.

"Rings please" the pastor spoke. Sydney grabbed the ring from Audrey.

"Here daddy" Jayceon said, holding the ring. The crowd cooed and Damian smiled, taking the ring.

"Do you, Sydney, take Damian to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold. Through sickness and health. For richer or poorer"

"I do" Sydney said, smiling as the tears fell from her eyes.

"Do you, Damian, take Sydney as your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold. Through sickness and health. For richer or poorer"

"I do" he said, smiling. Damian and Sydney slid the rings on each others finger.

"With the power vested in me, in the state of Georgia, I now pronounce u husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Damien immediately grabbed Sydney, careful of her stomach, and kissed her like they were they only 2 people in the room.

After all they've been through, they both now know there is nobody else in the world who is right for them.

Sydney and Damian love each other passed their soul and with Jayceon and little Imani on the way, their love for each other is sure to only grow. **

This is no longer He could be the one but He is the only one.

He could be the one has come to an end, sadly. The sequel is called forever and always..

Its completed and ready to go.

Later thuggas

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