H.C.B.T.O 4

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While I was holding Audrey back, Monica mushed her face. I preyed Audrey would control herself but she pushed me to the side and just as I thought, fucked the bitch up.

I got tired of trying to stop Audrey so I just started recording. When I was recording, I seen this girl run up to me. She started cussing and yelling at me. I took a good look at her and remembered she was the one that I catch Trey cheating on me with.

"Why the fuck you ain't helping her? Why you just standing there watching my best friend get beat up?" She yelled

"Umm I'm gonna need you to calm down and stop yelling at me. Your girl was being mad disrespectful so she getting what she deserves and who do I look like? Captain save a hoe?" I said.

"Bitch what?" the hoe said to me while pushing me. I stumbled but caught my balance.

"Don't put your hands on me. Cause trust, I am the right one" I said while laughing.

"Bitch I'm Keshia, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do." She said pushing me again.

The second time she pushed me, I swung on her ass. She fell into the sand face down. I got on top of her and starting banging her face into the ground. I got up, dragged her across the beach then started stomping on her.

I didnt stop till I felt someone pick me up and threw me over their shoulder. I thought it was Keyshawn, but I saw him carrying Audrey so it had to be Damian carrying me.

Once we got off the beach, Damian finally put me down and the look on his face was scary.

"What the fuck is your problem Sydney? Are you fuckin stupid or just dumb? Why are you fighting on the beach? This is a public place. You can go to jail for that shit ." He yelled at me with anger in his eyes.

"She was getting disrespectful so I had to handle her. And that's the girl that Trey cheated on me with so that made things worse for herself" I said with my hands on my hips.

"Sydney, you can't let everybody get to you. Sometimes you gotta let shit slide, be the bigger woman and move on." he said calming down.

I honestly didn't want to agree with him but he's kinda right.

"But s-"

"What I just say?"

"Ok you're right" I said

Damian pulled me into him and hugged me tight. As I pulled away, I saw Audrey and Keyshawn coming towards us. Although Audrey just got into a fight, Keyshawn looked more pissed than she did.

"Syd, I'm not in the mood to yell at you. You are too pretty to be fighting like you ain't got no sense." Keyshawn said to me sounding disappointed.

"I know big bro and I'm sorry. Damian already yelled at me. I'll change, I promise. " I said hugging Keyshawn. "Audrey you ok?" I asked

"Yea I'm fine Syd, just wanna go home and sleep." she said yawning even though it was like 6.

"Ok then let's load up and leave" Keyshawn said.

Keyshawn dropped Audrey off home and we were heading home. When we pulled into the driveway, Keyshawn and Damian started unloading the car.

"After this, I'm goin to sleep" Keyshawn said

It's around 8. Why is everyone sleepy when I'm wide awake?

I was in my room laying down when Damian walked in. "I'm sorry" he said.

"What you sorry for?"

"The way I came at you when we were at the beach. I didn't mean to seem mean. I just had to let you know that what you did and how you handled yourself was not ok" he said looking me in my eyes.

"Oh you don't have to apologize. I wasn't even mad about that but it's ok Damian" I said giving him a smile.

"Good, so umm... "

"Umm what?" I asked

"Remember when we were talking about going to the movies together?" he asked looking down.

"Yes I remember Damian."

"Well do you wanna go tonight? " he asked

"Of course. Just give me time to get ready" I said getting off my bed.

When I was ready to leave, I looked in the mirror and liked what I was wearing. I had on a plain white tank top, skinny jeans and some green, yellow and pink KD 6's with my hair in a high ponytail. Something simple.

I jogged downstairs and saw Damian looking too fine. He had on a red and black Polo shirt with his fire red Jordan 4's.

I smiled hard just while looking at him and when he seen me, he did the same.

"You look gorgeous Sydney" Damian said while looking me up and down.

"Thank you, and you look very handsome. You ready to go?" I said while grabbing for his hand.

" Yea ma, let's go" he said

During the car ride to the movies, Damian held my hand the whole time. We talked and really got to know each other. I told him things I never told anyone besides Audrey and Keyshawn. When we arrived to the movies, I paid for the tickets and Damian paid for the snacks.

While watching Ride Along with Kevin Hart and Ice Cube, Damian held on to my hand and caressed it with his thumb. I wanna like him, but I'm afraid to get hurt. I don't think I'm ready to open myself up to him and give him the power to be able to hurt me.

After the movies, we headed home.

"I had a really good time with you tonight Sydney. " Damian said looking at the road, still holding my hand.

"Same here Damian. It was perfect "I said smiling .

"I hope we can do this again"

"Sure, anytime" I said

We got home and headed upstairs. As I was going into my room, Damian grabbed my arm causing me to turn around and he kissed me. I thought it was just going to be a peck so I tried to pull away but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. He deepened the kiss and right then and there, I knew Damian really had feelings for me and I knew he was the one I wanted. But we'd need to put some work into this.

He slowly pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. I smiled.

"When I told you that I liked you, I meant I like you and want you to be my girl." he said still with his arms around my waist.

"Damian I wanna be with you but I'm sca-"

"Stop being scared and trust me. I wanna show you that all niggas ain't the same. Sydney will you be my girl?" he asked looking me in my eyes.


Ohh Damian wants some of Syd huh? Think she'll say yes?

I would. .

But that fight thoo, Audrey beat that ass. Syd did her thing too.

He could be the oneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant