H.C.B.T.O 6

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It's been about 2 weeks since I've gotten back to Kali. I will always love Kali, but I'm missing Florida. Not really Florida, just my baby Sydney. Her birthday coming up in 4 days and I want to get her something.

I was walking around the mall trying to find something perfect for Sydney. After about 2 hours of walking around, I came up with the perfect gift.

I was driving home when I got a phone call.


"D, get to the trap now. Big J over here"

"The f-" the line went dead. Shit

I pulled up to the trap, grabbed both my guns from the glove compartment and run inside. I seen bodies everywhere but nun of them I recognized. I run throughout the whole trap, and I found everyone in room 13. That's where people are taken to be tortured or killed.

It was no surprise when I found Keyshawn in there. This room was like his second home.

I saw Big J tied to a chair, and Keyshawn standing in front of him with a baseball bat that had barbed wire around it.

Keyshawn look like he was possessed. His eyes were completely taken over by black and he just stared at Big J.

"So what made you think you could come in my trap and expect things to be sweet?" Keyshawn asked.

"I just wanted to talk" Big J said, shrugging.

"Just talk? You brought like 300 niggas with you and y'all started shooting first. How is that wanting to talk?" Keyshawn asked raising his voice.

"Had to make an entrance" Big J said smiling.

Keyshawn took no time swinging the bat at the side of Big J face. The room was filled with his loud piercing screams while Keyshawn just grinned.

"Leave his ass here. I want someone in here everyday to torture him and I'll think about when it's time to end him." Keyshawn said leaving the room. The bat was still stuck in Big Js face, just hanging.

I found Keyshawn upstairs smoking a blunt, staring off into space."Brodie you good?" I asked as he passed the blunt to me

"I'm straight. So you found out what you getting Sydney for her birthday? " he asked trying to change the subject.

"After walking around the mall for 2 hours, and not getting anything I thought of the perfect gift." I said making him smile at me."Ew nigga why you smiling at me like that?"

"Cause I see how you get when you talk about my sister. You get hella happy" he said

"Oh I guess." I said smiling and think about Sydney.

"Nigga is you blushing?" Keyshawn asked chuckling.

"Hell naw bruh. Ok enough about me, we gotta pack"

"We going to see Sydney ain't we?" he asked taking a long drag of the blunt.

"Of course now hurry up. I wanna be there early to go shopping for her gift again." I said standing up.

"My sister making you go soft right before my eyes" he said laughing

" Whatever just get packed and meet me at my house"


I've been getting those calls more often, where I answer, hear heavy breathing then hang up but I don't let them get to me anymore.

I was on my way home from the mall. Audrey and I went shopping for a outfit to wear to my party. I pulled up in my drive way, and went to check the mailbox. It was mostly junk mail, but then I came across a letter from the man I least expected.

He could be the oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora