H.C.B.T.O 17

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I looked at the time and it was 3:14 a.m.

I know the girls went straight to the trap and told the guys where I am. Jordan was so wrapped up in making sure I was ok, he didn't even change our location but he did call in a few extra guys.

I got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom.

"Syd, baby where you at?" I heard Jordan yell from the room. I quickly walked back into the room before he started to freak.

"I'm right here. I was in the bathroom" he nodded before sitting up against the head board. I walked back into the bathroom, closed and locked the door.

I looked under the bathroom sink for the knife I put under there earlier. I grabbed it then sat on the counter thinking about what I'm about to do.

"Baby u ok?" I heard Jordan yell from the room. I sighed then tucked the knife in the front of my pants, and hiding it under my shirt.

"Yes I'm coming now" I said. I opened the bathroom door, and crawled into the bed and straddled Jordan.

I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist placing his hands on my lower back.

"What you doing baby?" he asked. I started grinding on him and kissed his lips softly.

"Nothing" I said against his lips. I started grinding harder and faster, listening to his breathing become heavier. He put his hands on my ass, then slapped it hard. I 'moaned' as if I started getting into it, but kept my head on the plan. He started kissing my neck leaving his mark for sure.

I put one hand on his lower stomach and the other gently on his neck. I kept grinding while Jordan continued kissing on my neck and slapping my ass. I 'moaned' again but louder before throwing my head back in 'pleasure'.

"You like that baby?" Jordan asked against my neck.

"Yes" I said. He kept kissing my neck as I slowly reached for the knife. Soon as I pulled it out, I stabbed Jordan over and over and over again.

"Syd" was the last thing I heard him say before he stopped moving. Just to be safe, I stabbed him in the heart twice. I got off him and stared at him.

"Well that was easier then I thought" I said out loud. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my blood soaked shirt. There was literally blood all over me.

I began feeling sick and rushed over to the toilet and emptied my stomach. Keyshawn's words replayed in my head.

'The first kill is always the hardest ' I washed out my mouth before going back into the room and looking for a phone. There was no house phone, Jordan broke mine, so where is his?

I searched every dresser in the room only finding guns and weed, except one, and praying before I opened it. I opened it and there was only a phone in there. I quickly called Keyshawn.

"Who is this?" He answered.

"Sydney, where are you?"

"We in front of the house. Where Jordan? "

"Dead, I killed him"

"Good, how many niggas he called not including the ones that were in the room"

"I'm not sure. Like 20, maybe more"

"Iight, stay in that room and don't move."

"And miss all the fun? There's guns in here so when I hear y'all shooting I'm coming out to help"

I hung up before he could tell me no. I searched the room closet finding a bullet proof vest. I took off my bloody shirt and threw the vest on over my bra.

I checked to make sure the 3 guns I chose were loaded before sitting on the bed and waiting till I heard gunshots.

After about 5 minutes, I heard them. I prayed then slowly opened the door. Jordan's room was the last door all the way in the back of the house.

That was perfect cause I could see all Jordan's niggas shooting at Keyshawn them. I aimed at the first nigga, then shot him in the back of his head. About 7 guys turned and faced my direction. Before hiding behind the wall, I shot another in the chest.

I hid behind the wall and changed out the handgun for the AK. I looked past the wall into the hallway to shoot 2 more guys, then hiding behind the wall again. After awhile, I did the same and shot another 2 guys but not before I felt a burning in my right arm.

"Ah shit" I said out loud. Being shot still ain't fun after the second time. I heard a phone ringing, so I quickly walked over to it.

"Baby you ok?" Damian asked over the phone. I looked down at my arm.

"Yea I'm fine. I just got shot in my arm" I heard him sigh.

"Hold on" he said. I heard more gunshots. "Syd?"

"Yea I'm here" I looked up and saw a shadow walking towards the room. "Baby you coming to the room I'm in?" I asked.

"No" he said. I cocked the handgun, and waited. The man walked into the room and we locked eyes. I shot him in the head then grabbed the phone again.


"Yea, I'm here" he said.

"I'm hanging up, me being on the phone is distracting me" I said.

"No, just lay the phone down and put it on speaker" and that's what I did. I picked up the AK, and walked back towards the hallway. I peaked past the wall, and shot the last guy shooting at me.

Everyone had their back towards me so I shot at them. Just as I shot the second guy, I felt another burning sensation but this time on my upper thigh and left leg . I fell to the ground and quickly crawled over to the phone that was on the bed.

I sat up with my back against the bed, facing the door with 2 handguns by my leg and the AK in my hand. I grabbed the phone off the bed.

"Hello?" I groaned out. I looked at the wound on my thigh and leg.

"Yea baby, you good?" he asked. I shook my head as if he could see.

"No my thigh and leg" I said. I heard Damian curse before the gunshots got louder. "I feel lightheaded"

"Syd I'm coming. No matter what, do not close your eyes ok. Stay on the phone with me baby. Talk to me" he said. I saw another shadow walking towards the door. I raised my gun lazily and shot the man in the chest soon as he walked through the door.

"Ok" I said lowly.

"Talk to me baby, what you see us doing in the future?" he asked.

"After I finish school... I see us being happy together. .. Maybe marriage in the distant future. .. Maybe kids"

"You wanna know what I see?" he asked.


"I see us definitely married, and 3 kids running around. 2 mini me's and 1 mini you." I could tell he was smiling. "Syd, you don't know how much I love you." I looked down at my arm, thigh and leg as a tear slid down my cheek. I knew I had lost to much blood and it was only a matter of time. "Syd, baby you there?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"I love you too" I said. Even though gun shots were in the background, it seemed like Damian was all I could hear.

"Baby there only 3 left. Just hold on" he said.

"I can't Damian. I can't" my words were low and my voice cracked.

"Baby just hold on" I couldn't. The last thing I heard was Damian call my name over and over before I dropped the phone.


Don't hate me

Their future plans together, awe..

Bye bye Jordan

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

He could be the oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora